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Richard Carlton Haney
`When Is Daddy Coming Home?`: An American Family during World War II

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book Description `When Is Daddy Coming Home?` is the moving story of one young American family during World War II. The war was coming to a close in Europe, and Richard Carlton Haney was only four years old when a telegram arrived at his family’s home, informing them of his father’s death. That moment was burned into the young boy’s memory and it changed his and his mother’s lives forever. Sixty years later Haney, now a professional historian, reconstructs his parents’ lives during the war, drawing from their letters, his mother’s recollections, and his own memories to create a unique blend of history and memoir. As the author recounts his father’s experiences in the 17th Airborne Division, he also recalls the effects of wartime rationing, scrap drives, and censored mail on his family at home. Richard Haney is an expert on early-twentieth-century American history and on military history…. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0870203649
Book size: —; Page extent: 160.


Brenda Avadian
`Where`s My Shoes?`: My Father`s Walk Through Alzheimer`s

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionAccording to the Alzheimer`s Association: Over 4 million people in the United States suffer from Alzheimer`s disease -- the 4th leading cause of death. 10% of people aged 65 to 85 have Alzheimer`s. 50% of people aged 85 and older have thedisease. To help increase awareness about this devastating illness -- which affects an estimated 10 million families in the United States each year -- Brenda Avadian has written the heartfelt and uplifting story of her commitment to care for her father as the grip of Alzheimer`s gradually takes control of his life. `Where`s my shoes?` is a poignant and sometimes humorous journey that will give comfort to caregivers of dementia patients and the elderly. It was designed to increase the caregivers` strengths, insights and awareness of their options -- and to reduce the feelings of loneliness that can overwhelm the families involved. It will inspire those who are currently caring for Alzheimer`s patients, and help to answer… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0963275240
Book size: —; Page extent: 306.


Spencer Johnson
`Yes` or `No`: The Guide to Better Decisions

1993 y.
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Description: `Yes` or `No,` from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Spencer Johnson, presents a brilliant and practical system anyone can use to make better decisions, soon and often -- both at work and in personal life. The `Yes` or `No` System lets us: focus on real needs, versus mere wants create better options see the likely consequences of choices and identify and then use our own integrity, intuition, and insight to gain peace of mind, self-confidence, andfreedom from fear [detailed...]

ISBN: 0-88730-631-4
Book size: —; Page extent: 106.


Anthony Davis, Jeffrey Jackson
`Yo, Little Brother . . .` Volume II: Basic Rules of Survival for Young African American Males

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1934155012
Book size: —; Page extent: 140.


Max H. Bazerman, Jonathan Baron, Katherine Shonk
`You Can`t Enlarge the Pie`: Six Barriers to Effective Government

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: Why do our government leaders continually make decisions and craft policies that everybody knows are foolish? Because they, like the rest of us, remain trapped in foolish and unproductive habits of thinking. `You Can`t Enlarge the Pie` analyzes the unspoken assumptions that lead to bad policy, wasted resources, and lost lives, and shows exactly why they`re wrong. With fascinating case studies and clear, compelling analysis, it dissects six psychological barriers to ineffective government: 1. Do no harm. 2. Their gain is our loss. 3. Competition is always good. 4. Support our group. 5. Live for the moment. 6. No pain for us, no gain for them. By freeing ourselves from the narrow way we evaluate our government leaders, wecan learn to judge their performance more as that of business leaders is judged: by the overall health of their organizations. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0465006329
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Suzanne Hansen
`You`ll Never Nanny in This Town Again!`: The Adventures and Misadventures of a Hollywood Nanny

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionWhat are they like and how do they live? ( Not like us ). Are the rich and famous ordinary parents? ( Of course not ). Is Sally Field really that sweet? ( She?s sweeter ). Are Kurt and Goldie truly nuts for each other?( You bet! ). Does the Eisner family really use Mickey Mouse toilet paper on the Disney jet? ( Give me an M, give me an I, give me a C!! ). What is it like to be a nanny in Hollywood? ( Mostly you have to love being treated like a piece of lint found in the folds of the couch, but other than that it can be hilarious ). Join Suzanne on her implausible escapades as she shares: Why some Moms think they can?t survive a day without a nanny ?she discovers there are parents who don?t know their children?s routine well enough to put them to bed, let alone have dinner without the nanny there to help. The secret camaraderie she forms with other nannies ?listen in on… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0972761233
Book size: —; Page extent: 336.


Patrick Fratellone
`You`re on the Air with Dr. Fratellone` : Answers to Questions Most Frequently Asked About Supplements and Herbs for the Heart

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book Description`When my own father came down with cardiovascular problems, Dr. Fratellone was the physician I called.` --Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD., author of New York Times bestsellers Fat Flush Plan and Before the Change. Integrated Cardiologist Patrick Fratellone, M.D., has noticed an alarming trend of treating health problems with ever-new-and-evolving drugs--often without regard to potentially dangerous side effects. Studies suggest that the best way to prevent cardiovascular disease is by modifying behavior. Yet society is fixated on obtaining easy solutions, which require little or no participation by the patient. Drug therapy may provide only temporary solutions for symptomatic relief and lead to complications. In many cases, these medications are unnecessary and produce no great benefit. Instead, Dr. Fratellone focuses on using vitamins, herbs and supplements to treat and prevent disease. You`re on the Air with Dr. Fratellone… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0595326471
Book size: —; Page extent: 128.


Stephen James, David S. Thomas
`Yup.` `Nope.` `Maybe.`: A Woman`s Guide to Getting More out of the Language of Men

2007 y.
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Description: Oftentimes when two guys are communicating, a lot can be communicated with a few head nods, a couple of grunts. From a woman`s perspective, men aren`t always so clear. What a woman hears a man say and what he means to communicate can often be very disconnected. Gain an appreciation for how men communicate and discover the depth of feelings that your man has been trying to communicate to you. A companion book to `Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?` the book for men. Contains a group study guide. Chapter Headings: Yup. Nope. Maybe. (Decoding manspeak). I`m Not Lost (Why won`t men stop for directions?). Wanna Do It? (Do men always think about sex?). Your Problem Is… (Why does he always try to fix my problems?). You`re Too Sensitive! (Are men emotionally constipated?). In a Minute (Why do men spend so much time on the toilet?. Can`t it Wait Till Halftime? (What`s the deal with men and… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1414312075
Book size: —; Page extent: 176.


Brittany Lynn Dye
``Paging Student Doctor Dye!``

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1441542922
Book size: —; Page extent: 142.


А. С. Пушкин
`В надежде славы и добра…` / `In Hopes of Fame and Bliss to Come…`

2008 y.
Publisher: Вагриус, Рудомино
Description: В сборник избранной поэзии А.С.Пушкина на русском и английском языках вошли стихотворения, поэмы, сказки, драматические произведения, роман в стихах `Евгений Онегин`. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-5-9697-0542-5
Book size: 70x100/16; Page extent: 496.


М. Ю. Лермонтов
`Нет, я не Байрон, я другой…` / `No, I`m Not Byron, It`s My Role…`

2009 y.
Publisher: Всероссийская государственная библиотека иностранной литературы им. М. И. Рудомино
Description: В том включены стихотворения и поэмы М.Ю.Лермонтова на русском и английском языках (в переводах авторов XIX-XX вв. из Великобритании, США, Канады). Вступительная статья прослеживает основные этапы вхождения русского поэта в пространство англоязычной словесности. [detailed...]

ISBN: 5-7380-0330-1
Book size: 70x100/16; Page extent: 400.


MD Howard Lawrence Scheiner
a Book of LIFE: Welcome to a Greater Reality

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Anyone who has seen the film, `The Matrix,` understands `Matrix Philosophy.` Do you choose the red pill, which will answer `The Question.` Or, do you choose the blue pill which allows life to simply carry on as before? To paraphrase the words of Morpheus from the film, `…All I`m offering is the truth. Nothing more.` And what is the truth? It encompasses the meaning and the purpose of life and embraces an understanding of a greater reality. One would think that everyone would want to know Truth. But it is not quite so simple. We can`t all quite handle Truth. But that`s life! I have always had a great intellectual curiosity about Man and his universe. The big questions of the meaning and purpose of life have always been with me in some subliminal manner. But, the easier questions of life and death seemed more within my grasp. Perhaps, that is part of the reason I became a physician. So, over many years, I have become very well acquainted with both the mode of entry… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1449008062
Book size: —; Page extent: 84.


Robyn C. Friend, Judith Love Cohen
a Clean Sky: The Global Warming Story

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1880599821
Book size: —; Page extent: 48.


Liu Shiying, Martha Avery
alibaba: The Inside Story Behind Jack Ma and the Creation of the World`s Biggest Online Marketplace

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: The first in-depth look at the multibillion-dollar company—known to many as `China`s eBay`—and the inspirational story behind the man who created it. A bestseller in China and now translated into English and updated with recent events, Alibaba by Liu Shiying and Martha Avery tells the remarkable story behind the Internet phenomenon and its founder Jack Ma, a man Barron`s named one of the World`s Top 30 CEOs in 2008. Ma`s rise to prominence presents a riveting story: Despite growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution—in a period of total state control of the economy—he developed the keen entrepreneurial instincts that propelled him to billionaire status and enabled him to build a company outside the usual government channels. These instincts and habits incorporated martial arts training and allowed him to recognize, early on, that the Internet could leverage his company to rapid growth and also transform the way business is done around the world. … [detailed...]

ISBN: 006167219X
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.


Daniel Chacon
and the shadows took him: A Novel

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: In the barrio of Fresno, California, the Molina family is living out the Chicano version of the American Dream. Father William works on an assembly line while his wife, the well-bred beauty Rachel, stays at home to care for their three children--and to keep them off the streets. But when William is offered an opportunity to enter the ranks of the middle class, he quits his job, packs up the Ford Maverick, and transports the Molinas to a brand-new world: the small town of Medford, Oregon. So begins the dramatic transformation of youngest son and aspiring actor Joey, who assumes the role of a vato loco gang member in order to win the respect and fear of his gringo classmates. While Joey tries to make himself popular with tall tales of guns and glory, his father embarks on a bitter struggle to develop his career and combat age-old cultural stereotypes. How William`s extraordinary efforts and deepening despair affect the lives of his loved ones is at the heart of this… [detailed...]

ISBN: 074346639X
Book size: —; Page extent: 352.


Lara Eichwede, Bernd Ax, Martin Tamke

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 3936314675
Book size: —; Page extent: 128.



architektur.aktuell 345, 12/2008 (Zeitschrift architektur.aktuell) (German Edition)

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: architektur.aktuell ist Osterreichs renommierteste Architekturzeitschrift und erscheint zweisprachig Deutsch/Englisch. Zehnmal jahrlich informieren Architekturkritiker uber die wichtigsten neuen Bauten in Osterreich und weltweit. State-of-the-Art Fotografie sowie Plan- und Datenmaterial dokumentieren umfangreich die baulichen Realisierungen. Essays namhafter Autoren zu Themenschwerpunkten begreifen Architektur als kulturelle Aufgabe. Au?erdem bietet architektur.aktuell ein Panorama von neuen Produkten aus dem Design- und Baubereich. Interviews, aktuelle Ausstellungsbesprechungen sowie Rezensionen von Buchern und Neuen Medien geben eine akzentuierte Orientierung zum aktuellen Diskurs. Veranstaltungskalender und Biografien der prasentierten Architekten sorgen fur umfassende Information. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3211759484
Book size: —; Page extent: 160.


Mike Taliaferro
asesino interno, El: Un vistazo africano a la enfermedad, el pecado y la salvacion

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionInspirational text and powerful images confront death, disease, fear, and ruin to illustrate and teach the destructive power of sin. Immediate ways to refresh the soul, find the courage to face sin, and receive the healing message and encouragement of God are described. Un libro inspirante con imagenes podoerosas que presentan la muerte, la enfermedad, y el miedo para ilustrar y ensenar sobre el poder destructivo del pecado. El texto revela como despertar el alma, encontrar el coraje para enfrentar el pecado, y obtener el mensaje de sanacion y inspiracion del Dios. [detailed...]

ISBN: 9589692281
Book size: —; Page extent: 124.


Christopher Scott Ghost
b/w version (trilogy): The 4th Horsemen series

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Trilogy is the first 3 books of the 4th horsemen series all in one book. the b/w version is the black and white version of the book trilogy. What could had been a life ending injury turn into a blessing. Satan has no shame and is out to claim as many souls as possible. however Jesus has an answer, the horsemen. join in the battle as the Lord places godly powers upon 4 humans. together they face Satans wrath.prepare for battle. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1448684625
Book size: —; Page extent: 180.


Carl Albing, J. P. Vossen, Cameron Newham
bash Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for bash Users

2007 y.
Publisher: O`Reilly Media
Description: The key to mastering any Unix system, especially Linux and Mac OS X, is a thorough knowledge of shell scripting. Scripting is a way to harness and customize the power of any Unix system, and it`s an essential skill for any Unix users, including system administrators and professional OS X developers. But beneath this simple promise lies a treacherous ocean of variations in Unix commands and standards. `bash Cookbook` teaches shell scripting the way Unix masters practice the craft. It presents a variety of recipes and tricks for all levels of shell programmers so that anyone can become a proficient user of the most common Unix shell - the bash shell - and cygwin or other popular Unix emulation packages. Packed full of useful scripts, along with examples that explain how to create better scripts, this new cookbook gives professionals and power users everything they need to automate routine tasks and enable them to truly manage their systems - rather than have their systems manage… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0596526784
Book size: —; Page extent: 622.


Martin Nicholas Kunz
best designed hotel pools (Best Designed)

2004 y.
Publisher: Birlhauser
Description: Our author travelled the globe to assemble an impressive collection of creative hotel pool designs, which he has documented with fascinating photos and rich details. Special emphasis is given to the influence of the various cultures in Europe, American, Asia and Africa on the architectural styles. The reader is witness to an inspiring blend of austere shapes, soft lines, outstanding technological achievements, and playful, colourful, ethnic architectures. For anyone searching for wonderful planning ideas--even for private pools--this book provides a comprehensive orientation and numerious examples: from indoor pools in small spaces, to bathing ponds, from infinity pools, sporty Olympic-sized outdoor pools, to an aesthetic stone grotto. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3899860381
Book size: —; Page extent: 168.


Carlton Davis
bipolar bare: My Life`s Journey With Mental Disorder

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Writer, artist, and architect Carlton Davis takes you on an illustrated wild ride through his life as a young boy-the chip in a figurative poker game between a socialite father and a night club-singer mother that includes felony, foster care and child abuse -to his days as a bohemian artist in Los Angeles, his resurrection as a stable Buddhist meditator, and on to his crash as a cross-dressing crack addict strung out with fits of mad mania and crushing sucidal depression. After years of failure he finds redemption in diagnosis and medication. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1439220700
Book size: —; Page extent: 406.


Sheila Cohen
bnRamparts of Resistance: Why Workers Lost Their Power, and How to Get It Back

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Ramparts of Resistance examines the experience of British and US workers during the last three decades to offer a broad analysis of the need for a new independent politics of trade unionism. Recent years have seen great changes in the trade union movement, from waves of strikes in the 1970s to a battery of employer and state onslaughts, culminating in the anti-union legislation of the 1980s and 1990s. Looking at grassroots labour struggles, Cohen explores issues of reformism, trade union democracy and the political meaning of ordinary workplace resistance, and puts forward ideas for change. Ramparts of Resistance examines the failure of the union movement to rise to the neo-liberal challenge and calls for a new politics of independent unionism and an explicitly class-based renewal of `workers` power`. Coming at a time when union activity and membership involvement continues despite the odds, this book is an inspiring guide to the direction that unionism should take. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0745315291
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.


Gina Spadafori, Marty Becker D.V.M.
bowWOW!: Curiously Compelling Facts, True Tales, and Trivia Even Your Dog Wont Know

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0757306233
Book size: —; Page extent: 224.


cf stewart
charlotte of san francisco: the story of a lady who learned to paint

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This book is romp down memory lane of a San Francisco grand dame. It is a memoir of a woman who experienced some of San Francisco`s interesting and least understood events. The book also focuses on her life by chronicling her commercial efforts from the hilarious and poignant drama of being a landlady to the success and struggles of owning the first smoke shop in the Bank of America building. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0974902349
Book size: —; Page extent: 200.


Stephanie Ledu
chickaDEE Animal Adventures: Discover the World`s Amazing Animals

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Brimming with beautiful color photos of all kinds of animals, chickaDEE Animal Adventures takes young readers around the animal habitats of the world, from ocean floor to mountain top and everywhere in between. Detailed here are animals of all kinds, including the common (house cats, farm animals, pigeons, lizards, and bats), the exotic (peacocks, kingfishers, snow leopards, and yaks), and the seldom seen (seahorses, owls, arctic foxes, snowy owls, and platypus). Organized by region, each photo includes fun facts about the species. Did you know that male deer lose their antlers every year? Or that orangutans can grow to the size of a ten-year-old human? They can! [detailed...]

ISBN: 2895791732
Book size: —; Page extent: 125.


Lynda Weinman, William Weinman
creative html design.2 (2nd Edition)

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: It?s time. International best-selling author, Lynda Weinman, circles back to update this HTML guide and to add her unique creative energy and wisdom to The first edition is best known for its unique quality of combining solid design with coding technique and HTML theory. This second edition will incorporate the significant changes in Web tools and technology since this original edition published in December 1997. Updated content includes coverage of Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, GoLive! and more! In standard Lynda Weinman style, you will find easy reading, straightforward talk - practical `how to`s` that reads like you expect her to talk -- with just the right amount of coding and technical coverage to provide you with a solid HTML guide. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0735709726
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


David L. Pulver
d20 Mecha: d20 RPG Supplement

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionThis supplement introduces one of the most popular genres of anime to players of d20 System role-playing games: the `mecha` world of giant transforming robots, powered battle armor, star-spanning space cruisers, speedy hot rods and motorbikes, military assault vehicles, giant mechanical monsters, and much more. The d20 Mecha book provides a detailed, point-based creation system for all mecha types, making it an essential supplement for Big Eyes, Small Mouth d20 or any other d20 System game. Additionally, d20 Mecha explores the common mecha story conventions, with game rules covering prestige classes, character options, combat maneuvers, hit locations, and campaign suggestions. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1894525566
Book size: —; Page extent: 80.


James Wyatt
d20 Past (d20 Campaigns: d20 Modern)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book Description New rules for running a d20 Modern campaign set in the past. This new rules supplement provides everything players and gamemasters need to participate in adventures in the time period between the Renaissance and World War II, including new character options and rules for early modern firearms. It begins with an exploration of the historical period between around 1450 and 1950, then provides rules for creating characters and campaigns that blend realism and fantasy. d20 Past also presents alternative campaign models, along with all the rules needed to play swashbuckling pirate adventures, Victorian horror investigations, thrilling Pulp Era escapades, and more, including three ready-to-play campaign modules. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0786936568
Book size: —; Page extent: 96.


Mark Stevens, Annalyn Swan
de Kooning: An American Master

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Willem de Kooning is one of the most important artists of the twentieth century, a true “painter’s painter” whose protean work continues to inspire many artists. In the thirties and forties, along with Arshile Gorky and Jackson Pollock, he became a key figure in the revolutionary American movement of abstract expressionism. Of all the painters in that group, he worked the longest and was the most prolific, creating powerful, startling images well into the 1980s. The first major biography of de Kooning captures both the life and work of this complex, romantic figure in American culture. Ten years in the making, and based on previously unseen letters and documents as well as on hundreds of interviews, this is a fresh, richly detailed, and masterful portrait. The young de Kooning overcame an unstable, impoverished, and often violent early family life to enter the Academie in Rotterdam, where he learned both classic art and guild techniques. Arriving in New York… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0375711163
Book size: —; Page extent: 752.


Kirk Russell
deadgame: A John Marquez Crime Novel

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionThird in the series of crime novels featuring what Booklist called `far and away the most inventive new detective hero,` California Fish and Game warden John Marquez`s latest investigation begins with Marquez on the phone to a confidential informant as she`s mysteriously abducted. Marquez and his understaffed team?which is slated for shutdown by top brass?search frantically for the informant in their remaining weeks, while also pursuing sturgeon poachers (who may have something to do with the kidnapping) and tangling with both the Russian mob and the FBI along the way. And you thought your job was tough. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0811850781
Book size: —; Page extent: 377.


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