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Oreste Popescu
Studies in the History of Latin American Economic Thought (Routledge History of Economic Thought)

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: This is the first study of the development of economic thought in Latin America. It traces the development of economic ideas during five centuries and across the whole continent. It addresses a wide range of approaches to economic issues, including: the scholastic tradition in Latin American economics, the quantity theory of money, and human capital theory. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0415149010
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Stanley Boorman
Studies in the Printing, Publishing And Performance of Music in the 16th Century (Variorum Collected Studies Series)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: — [detailed...]

ISBN: 0860789705
Book size: —; Page extent: 609.


Paul Grice
Studies in the Way of Words

1991 y.
Publisher: Harvard University Press
Description: This volume, Grice`s first hook, includes the long-delayed publication of his enormously influential 1967 William James Lectures. But there is much, much more in this work. Paul Grice himself has carefully arranged and framed the sequence of essays to emphasize not a certain set of ideas but a habit of mind, a style of philosophizing. Grice has, to be sure, provided philosophy with crucial ideas. His account of speaker-meaning is the standard that others use to define their own minor divergences or future elaborations. His discussion of conversational implicatures has given philosophers an important tool for the investigation of all sorts of problems, it has also laid the foundation for a great deal of work by other philosophers and linguists about presupposition. His metaphysical defense of absolute values is starting to be considered the beginning of a new phase in philosophy. This is a vital book for all who are interested in Anglo-American philosophy. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0674852710
Book size: —; Page extent: 406.



Studies of Cave Sediments: Physical and Chemical Records of Paleoclimate

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1402053266
Book size: —; Page extent: 329.


Shalima Puthiyaveettil
Studies of Interstellar Dust: Modelling the Diffuse radiation from interstellar dust grains

2010 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Dust grains scatter as well as absorb UV radiation from stars. The absorbed radiation is re-emitted at longer wavelengths. Diffuse UV radiation has been observed from different regions in the Galaxy. The main contributor of this radiation is the scattering by interstellar dust grains. Here, we have attempted to model this radiation and derive the basic properties of dust grains in three regions of the Galaxy, namely Ophiuchus, Coalsack and Orion. For the Ophiuchus region we have spectra from the Voyager spacecraft. Since the observed locations are of low optical depth we have assumed a single scattering model, in order to derive the optical constants of dust grains in the region. In the case of the Coalsack region, which is in the Galactic plane, the densities are high and so we have used a multiple scattering Monte- Carlo model for the dust scattering. The observations for the region are from Voyager as well as FUSE. We derive optical constants that are in … [detailed...]

ISBN: 3639223225
Book size: —; Page extent: 128.



Studies on Economic Well-Being: Essays in Honor of John P. Formby, Volume 12 (Research on Economic Inequality)

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Research on Economic Inequality Volume 12 is the outgrowth of University of Alabama Poverty and Inequality conference, May 22-25, 2003. The motivation for the conference was to honor John P. Formby upon his retirement. The conference, funded by the University, was designed to bring together three groups of people, first, some of the most recognized scholars in the field, second, current and former colleagues of John Formby`s working in this field, and third, Dr. Formby`s former PhD and post-doctoral students. Seventeen papers were presented, eleven of which are authored or co-authored by Dr. Formby`s former students. Peter Lambert and Yoram Amiel also participated in the conference. Dan slottje, John Creedy, Shlomo Yitzhaki and Quentin Wodon did not attend but contributed papers. The first two papers in Volume 12 examine the impact of the minimum wage. The Formby-Bishop-Kim paper compares the poverty reducing effects of the minimum wage to two alternative poverty reducing… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0762311363
Book size: —; Page extent: 514.


Lester M.K. Kwong
Studies on Price Discrimination in ImperfectlyCompetitive Markets

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This is an advanced theoretical treatment of pricediscrimination in imperfectly competitive markets. Weaddress issues such as the viability of pricediscrimination when markets are oligopolistic ratherthan monopolistic. In particular, it seeks todetermine what effects the introduction ofcompetition to a monopoly market will have on afirm`s ability to price discriminate. Also examinedis price discrimination in the presence of collusionamong consumers, as well as the connection between amonopolist`s linear pricing and resale among consumers. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3639068866
Book size: —; Page extent: 104.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Cannier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 100: Cahier d`exercices: Niveau 1 (+ CD)

2008 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: Le cahier d`exercices de `Studio 100: Niveau 1` permet a l`enseignant de completer et de renforcer les savoir-faire mis en place dans le livre de l`eleve. Ces exercices peuvent done etre realises en classe mais ils peuvent egalement faire l`objet d`un travail individuel de l`eleve en autonomie. Les auteurs ont pris soin de reinvestir dans ces exercices le contenu des sequences du livre de l`eleve. Il presente : plus de 200 exercices totalement realisables en autonomie et, bien sur, en classe, une decouverte progressive des difficulties orthographiques du francais, un approfondissement, sequence par sequence, des points de grammaire abordes dans `Studio 100`, un tiers des exercices centres sur la comprehension orale (CD audio), une revision du vocabulaire des sequences, une serie d`exercices de phonetique qui renforcent les acquisitions de `Studio 100`. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-2-278-04989-9
Book size: 190x270; Page extent: 144.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Cannier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 100: Cahier d`exercices: Niveau 2 (+ CD)

2008 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: Le cahier d`exercices et le CD audio de Studio 100 niveau 2 permettent de completer et de renforcer les contenus et les savoir-faire developpes dans le livre de l`eleve. Ces exercices, realisables en classe ou individuellement grace aux corriges, reprennent de facon systematique le contenu des sequences du livre de l`eleve. Ce cahier d`exercices propose: Plus de 160 exercices a realiser en classe ou en autonomie, un approfondissement, sequence par sequence, des points de grammaire de Studio 100 niveau 2, des exercices sur les correspondances entre graphie et phonie, des activites de comprehension orale, des activites croisees oral / ecrit a partir d`enregistrements (50 activites), des activites de comprehension ecrite, un travail systematique et guide de production ecrite. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-2-278-05165-6
Book size: 190x270; Page extent: 144.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Cannier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 100: Guide pedagogique: Niveau 2

2005 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: Се guide pedagogique a ete concu de facon a realiser les grands principes de `Studio`: pedagogie forte, mais facilite d`utilisation, pratiques de classe innovantes, apprentissage rapide et efficace. Vous у trouverez : des fiches `express` (propositions synthetiques d`utilisation), des suggestions et remarques, les corriges des activites, des points formation sur des themes-cles de la didactique des langues. [detailed...]

ISBN: 2-278-05163-6
Book size: 190x270; Page extent: 176.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Cannier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 100: Methode de francais: Niveau 2

2006 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: `Studio 100: Niveau 2`, utilise a la suite de `Studio 100: Niveau 1`, permet en 100 heures de preparer les eleves au niveau A2 du DELF et au niveau В1 du Cadre europeen commun de reference. A travers des activites variees, les eleves apprendront progressivement a passer de situations de communication simples,acquises au niveau 1,a des echanges plus complexes, ou its devront organiser leur discours pour informer, expliquer, raconter, convaincre, argumenter, prendre la parole. Base sur des objectifs pedagogiques forts mais facilement accessibles, `Studio 100: Niveau 2` est organise en quatre parcours didactiques formes chacun de quatre sequences d`apprentissage: - D`un discours a l`autre. - Recits et projets. - Explications et conditions. - Prise de parole. [detailed...]

ISBN: 2-278-05161-X
Book size: 195x280; Page extent: 160.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Cannier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 100: Niveau 1: Guide pedagogique

2002 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: Се guide pedagogique a ete concu de facon a realiser les grands principes de Studio: pedagogie forte, mais facilite d`utilisation, pratiques de classe innovantes, apprentissage rapide et efficace. Vous у trouverez : des fiches `express` (propositions synthetiques d`utilisation), des suggestions et remarques, les corriges des activites, des points formation sur des themes-cles de la didactique des langues. Формат: 19 см x 27 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 2-278-04990-9
Book size: —; Page extent: 160.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Canier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 100: Niveau 1

2001 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: `Studio 100` fait partie d`un projet pedagogique global destine a repondre a des conditions d`enseignement variees (public, rythmes d`apprentissage, volumes horaires). `Studio 100` permet en 100 heures d`amener I`eleve a un niveau de competence linguistique equivalant a I`uniteAl du DELF, ou a tout autre examen de meme niveau correspondant au premier niveau du Cadre europeen commun de reference. Les mots-cles de la pedagogie forte developpee dans `Studio 100` sont: organisation en sequences et parcours, communication authentique, reprise et anticipation systematiques des savoir-faire linguistiques, travail sur taches, approche interculturelle de la civilisation, evaluation integree. Формат: 19,5 см x 28 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-2-278-04988-2
Book size: —; Page extent: 160.


Christian Lavenne, Evelyne Berard, Gilles Breton, Yves Cannier, Christine Tagliante
Studio 60: Methode de francais: Niveau 2 (+ CD)

2005 y.
Publisher: Didier
Description: `Studio 60: Niveau 2`, utilise a la suite de `Studio 60: Niveau 1`, couvre au total 120 heures d`apprentissage. La progression et les contenus correspondent a la quasi-totalite du deuxieme niveau de connaissance etabli par le Conseil de I`Europe dans le cadre europeen commun de reference pour l`apprentissage, l`enseignement et devaluation des langues vivantes (niveau a2). Il permet de commencer a se preparer a l`epreuve A2 du DELF 1er degre ou de tout autre examen de meme niveau. `Studio 60: Niveau 2` est compose de trois parcours d`environ 20 heures d`apprentissage chacun, intitules: Dire a quelqu`un de faire quelque chose. Raconter, se situer dans le temps. Exprimer ses gouts, son opinion. [detailed...]

ISBN: 2-278-05162-8
Book size: 195x280; Page extent: 128.


Sherry Mayo
Studio Artists at the Human-Computer Interface: A case study of arts technology integration in studio practice

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: What forms of expression will be possible tomorrow, how do they differ from those of the past, and how can we better prepare for them today? The investigation of artists at the human-computer interface (HCI), where artistic and cybernetic questions meet, has great implications for critical consciousness, cultural evolution, and art education. The investigation of cybernetic art begins with a treatment of the art object as data. Our modes of communication are converging, spaces and interfaces are transforming rapidly as digital technologies affect the ways we construct knowledge and behave. The HCI is the site of both cultural evolution and individual expression. Art education has an opportunity to facilitate a critical dialogue around these emergent objects, expressing the shifting nature of human interaction and extrapolating meaning that refers to larger sociological frameworks and belief systems. This study offers a glimpse at the effect of emergent objects on critical… [detailed...]

ISBN: 3639159845
Book size: —; Page extent: 204.



Studio Downie Architects

2006 y.
Publisher: Images Publishing Group
Description: The last ten years architectural practice and theory have seen the rise of the so-called fifth generation of modernists in architecture. This is a generation that, to varying degrees, has been influenced by the theory and practice of deconstructivism, a theoretical and practical paradigm that gained prominence during their education in the 1980s. Such exposure, together with the advent of and experimentation in computer-aided digital design, has evolved contemporary architecture away from the form-follows-function dictum and tenets of the International Style and the structuralism in architecture of the 1960s and 1970s. The aim of the `NeoArchitecture` series is to include the many facets and faces of architecture present in the practices of the `youth` of architecture today. It must be noted that the term `youth` represents those architects roughly under the age of 45 at the time of writing and includes firms that were established during the 1990s or even in more recent… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1 86470 155 2, 1-86470-155-2
Book size: —; Page extent: 124.



Studio Lynn: Visual Catalog (Edition Angewandte)

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Kristy Balliet und Brennan Buck, Architekten und Assistenten von Greg Lynn, legen einen Visual Catalog` der Arbeiten der letzten funf Jahre des Studio Lynn vor. Es ist ein visueller Katalog projektbezogener Designinnovationen, die mit den Studenten in Workshops erarbeitet wurden. Jedes Kapitel beschreibt einen genau definierten formalen, asthetischen oder atmospharischen Baustein und dessen kulturellen Kontext. Die Darstellungen erfolgen uber Einleitungen, Referenzbilder, Theorietexte und den studentischen Arbeiten des Studios. Der Visual Catalog bietet einen einmaligen Einblick in Greg Lynns Entwurfs- und Lehrpraxis. Lynn gilt seit den 1990er Jahren als Pionier einer neuen Generation von Architekten, deren primares Werkzeug der Computer ist. Entgegen dem Trend zu Reduktion, minimalistischen Darstellung aktueller Architekturpublikationen, ist der Studio Lynn Visual Catalog eine grafisch uberbordende Hochglanz-Monographie und versteht sich als inspirierendes Designmanual fur Studenten… [detailed...]

ISBN: 3211991921
Book size: —; Page extent: 119.


Philip Ursprung, Olafur Eliasson
Studio Olafur Eliasson: An Encyclopedia

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: `Studio Olafur Eliasson` is an experimental laboratory located in Berlin. Led by renowned Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson, it functions as an interdisciplinary space, generating fresh dialogues between art and its surroundings. This rich sourcebook enables the reader to delve into the corners and crevices of the Studio`s diverse projects. The key concepts behind the works are presented alphabetically, and unfold in the course of short conversations with the artist. The majority of Eliasson`s thought-provoking installations, photographs, sculptures, and architectural projects to date is included, with additional material focusing on the research processes at `Studio Olafur Eliasson`. The introduction is provided by the noted art historian Philip Ursprung, who also participates in the conversations. Формат: 31 см х 39,5 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-8228-4426-7
Book size: —; Page extent: 528.



Studio Pieter Stockmans

2008 y.
Publisher: Lannoo International
Description: Pieter Stockmans, ceramist, industrial designer and artist, is fascinated by the medium of porcelain. He designs industrially-produced tableware, makes objects in the traditional manner of a craftsman and creates artistic installations. In 1995 he was appointed a Cultural Ambassador of Flanders, has won the Henri Van de Velde Prize for whole oeuvre and teaches and exhibits ail over the world. In 1987 he set op Studio Pieter Stockmans, where he has now been at work for ten years with his daughter Widukind Stockmans and son-in-law Frank Ciaesen. Формат издания: 25,5 см х 31,5 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 90-209-7981-7
Book size: —; Page extent: 128.


Dr Jeffrey Jones
Studio Pottery in Britain 19002005

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This book offers a comprehensive account of the emergence, development, and achievements of British studio pottery during the twentieth century. Key movements, trends, and personalities are all covered. The book examines the range of pottery produced under the heading `studio pottery` and discusses the way the work embodies and communicates the values of the makers. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0713670134
Book size: —; Page extent: 256.


Watson O.
Studio Pottery, Watson O.

1993 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This work is organized in the form of a biographical dictionary with a substantial introduction. [detailed...]

ISBN: 071482948X
Book size: —; Page extent: 287.


Paul White
Studio Recording Basics B

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionStudio Recording Basics B contains one copy each of the following Sanctuary Publishing titles: Basic Home Studio Design, Basic Microphones, Basic Midi, Basic Mastering. These books are a must for any musician who wants to be up-to-date onwhat`s going on in the world of music. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1860744788
Book size: —; Page extent: 200.


David Simons
Studio Stories : How the Great New York Records Were Made: From Miles to Madonna, Sinatra to the Ramones

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionThis is an engaging account of some of the most memorable moments in New York`s recording history, as seen through the eyes (and ears) of the many producers, engineers, songwriters, and recording artists who helped make them happen. It explores the explosive 30 years between 1950 and 1980 and the numerous ingredients that made them unique: artists performing live in large, vibrant recording spaces, producers and engineers spontaneously creating new effects and techniques, composers writing parts on demand in the studio, and, most important, recording studios that had life, character, and their own fingerprint sound. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0879308176
Book size: —; Page extent: 224.


Andrew Utterback
Studio Television Production and Directing

2007 y.
Publisher: Focal Press
Description: Learn how to direct television programs, understand complex directing tasks, and learn the fundamentals of studio production procedure in this back-to-basics guide to studio-based productions. Learn about lighting, set, camera operations, floor direction, technical direction, audio, tape, graphics, prompting, and assistant directing. As it`s one of the most challenging types of programming, the live newscast is used to illuminate television producing and directing procedures for your newscast or other program genre. You`ll soon be able to direct any type of studio-based program with ease. A short, quick, easy-reference guide to multicamera TV directing. Heavily illustrated and written in the popular Media Manual format, designed for use on the job. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0240808738
Book size: —; Page extent: 200.


Sergio Palleroni, Christina Merkelbach
Studio at Large: Architecture in Service of Global Communities

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: For more than a decade, architects and students from the University of Washington have been working with squatter communities in Mexico, migrant laborers in eastern Washington, and Indian reservations of the inland West as well as communities in Cuba, India, and Africa to provide housing, schools, clinics, and other vital structures. Led by Sergio Palleroni, Steve Badanes, and David Riley, these pioneering design/build programs have combined innovative architectural training with cross-cultural immersion, social activism, and environmental science, using design skills and hands-on construction projects to confront poverty and urgent social problems one building at a time. Studio at Large documents the international and regional community studios organized by Sergio Palleroni and his colleagues, typically held in intensive ten-week builds in marginalized communities. Involving community members and students, these studios promote maximum use of recycled or inexpensive, locally… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0295984325
Book size: —; Page extent: 191.



Studio d A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Einheit 7-12 (аудиокурс на CD)

2005 y.
Publisher: Cornelsen
Description: Das Lehrwerk richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Es erscheint in zwei Ausgaben, einer drei- und einer funfbandigen, und fuhrt zum Zertifikat Deutsch. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3-464-20773-0
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Silke Demme
Studio d A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Kurs- und Ubungsbuch / Teilband 1 (+ CD)

2005 y.
Publisher: Cornelsen
Description: Studio d Richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Das Lehrwerk fuhrt in drei Banden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Band A1 und Band A2 sind auch in je zwei Teilbanden erhaltlich. Grundlegend fur studio c/sind folgende Prinzipien: 1. Konsequente Orientierung am Gemeinsamen Europaischen Referenzrahmen. 2. Deutschlernen fur Freizeit und Beruf. 3. Umfassendes Angebot fur mediengestutztes Lernen und Lehren. 4. Integration der Grammatik in sprachliches Handeln. 5. Berucksichtigung neuerer Erkenntnisse aus der Zweit- und Fremdsprachenerwerbsforschung. 6. Konsequentes Aussprachetraining von Anfang an. 7. Aktuelle Landeskunde mit interkultureller Perspektive Das Kursbuch. Mit integriertem Ubungsteil und eingelegter Lerner-Audio-CD mit den Hortexten des Ubungsteils steht im Zentrum des multimedialen Lehrwerksverbunds. Der Lehrwerksverbund studio d A1 … [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-464-20765-9
Book size: —; Page extent: 136.


Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn, Silke Demme
Studio d A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Kurs- und Ubungsbuch: Teilband 2 (+ CD)

2007 y.
Publisher: Cornelsen
Description: Studio d richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Das Lehrwerk fuhrt in drei Banden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Band A1 und Band A2 sind auch in je zwei Teilbanden erhaltlich. Grundlegend fur studio d sind folgende Prinzipien: 1. Konsequente Orientierung am `Gemeinsamen europaischen Referenzrahmen`. 2. Deutschlernen fur Freizeit und Beruf. 3. Umfassendes Angebot fur mediengestutztes Lernen und Lehren. 4. Integration der Grammatik in sprachliches Handeln. 5. Berucksichtigung neuerer Erkenntnisse aus der Zweit- und Fremdsprachenerwerbsforschung. 6. Konsequentes Aussprachetraining von Anfang an. 7. Aktuelle Landeskunde mit interkultureller Perspektive. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-464-20766-6
Book size: 210x297; Page extent: 184.


Dong Ha Kim, Rita Maria Niemann
Studio d A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Sprachtraining: Teilband 1

2007 y.
Publisher: Cornelsen
Description: Studio d richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Das Lehrwerk fiihrt in drei Banden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Band A1 und Band A2 sind auch in je zwei Teilbanden erhaltlich. Grundlegend fur studio d sind folgende Prinzipien: 1. Konsequente Orientierung am Gemeinsamen europaischen Referenzrahmen. 2. Deutschlernen fur Freizeit und Beruf. 3. Umfassendes Angebot fur mediengestutztes Lernen und Lehren. 4. Integration der Grammatik in sprachliches Handeln. 5. Berucksichtigung neuerer Erkenntnisse aus der Zweit- und Fremdsprachenerwerbsforschung. 6. Konsequentes Aussprachetraining von Anfang an. 7. Aktuelle Landeskunde mit interkultureller Perspektive. Das Sprachtraining stellt zusatzliches Ubungsmaterial fur die Einzelarbeit und fur Intensivkurse bereit. Es unterstutzt vernetztes Denken und ermuntert zur Anwendung von Lerntechniken, mit denen die Kursteilnehmer… [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-464-20812-0
Book size: 210x297; Page extent: 44.


Hannelore Pistorius, Nelli Mukmenova
Studio d A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Testheft (+ CD)

2009 y.
Publisher: Cornelsen
Description: Studio d richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Das Lehrwerk fuhrt in drei Banden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Grundlegend fur studio d sind folgende Prinzipien: 1. Konsequente Orientierung am `Gemeinsamen europaischen Referenzrahmen`. 2. Deutschlernen fur Freizeit und Beruf. 3. Umfassendes Angebot fur mediengestutztes Lernen und Lehren. 4. Integration der Grammatik in sprachliches Handeln. 5. Berucksichtigung neuerer Erkenntnisse aus der Zweit- und Fremdsprachenerwerbsforschung. 6. Konsequentes Aussprachetraining von Anfang an. 7. Aktuelle Landeskunde mit interkultureller Perspektive. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-464-20822-9
Book size: 210x297; Page extent: 64.


Christel Bettermann, Regina Werner
Studio d A1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Unterrichtsvorbereitung (+ CD-ROM)

2005 y.
Publisher: Cornelsen
Description: Studio d richtet sich an Erwachsene ohne Vorkenntnisse, die im In- und Ausland Deutsch lernen. Das Lehrwerk fuhrt in drei Banden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Grundlegend fur studio d sind folgende Prinzipien: 1. Konsequente Orientierung am `Gemeinsamen europaischen Referenzrahmen`. 2. Deutschlernen fur Freizeit und Beruf. 3. Umfassendes Angebot fur mediengestutztes Lernen und Lehren. 4. Integration der Grammatik in sprachliches Handeln. 5. Berucksichtigung neuerer Erkenntnisse aus der Zweit- und Fremdsprachenerwerbsforschung. 6. Konsequentes Aussprachetraining von Anfang an. 7. Aktuelle Landeskunde mit interkultureller Perspektive. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-464-20732-1
Book size: 210x297; Page extent: 128.


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