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Sylvia Wolf
Mapplethorpe: Polaroids

2007 y.
Publisher: Prestel
Description: Robert Mapplethorpe`s black-and-white Polaroid photographs of the 1970s-a medium in which he established the style that would bring him international acclaim-are brought together in this exquisite volume for the first time. Critically praised for his classically composed photographs, Mapplethorpe remains intensely controversial and enormously popular. Revealing the themes that would inspire him throughout his career, this book brings together almost three hundred images, many never published, from the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation`s archive and private collections, to provide a critical view of Mapplethorpe`s formative years as an artist. Included is a selection of his color Polaroids and objects incorporating his early `instant` photographs. Some images convey a disarming tenderness and vulnerability, while others have a toughness and immediacy that would give way in later years to more classical form. Sylvia Wolf traces the development of Mapplethorpe`s use of instant… [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-7913-3835-4
Book size: 185x230; Page extent: 256.


Wendy Lanier
Maps (Kidhaven Science Library)

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0737736321
Book size: —; Page extent: 48.


Mike Zdeb
Maps Made Easy Using SAS

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: The world is yours with Maps Made Easy Using SAS. Bring your data to life and add meaning to your information with Maps Made Easy Using SAS. Abundant real-world examples and a tutorial approach help new users create maps easily and quickly. You will learn the basic mapping components, including map and response data sets as well as simple SAS/GRAPH statements. With in-depth examples you will move on to more advanced mapping techniques, such as annotating maps and producing customized maps and output. Theprocess used to annotate maps is demystified and described in clear, easy-to-follow steps. You will produce data-driven, updatable maps in GIF format, for use in Web-based presentations and other applications. Also presented are details on creating more complicated choropleth maps. These include maps that combine geographic areas with internal boundaries removed, maps that display multiple geographic areas, and clipped maps. Enhance your data presentations with this well-organized… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1590470931
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


John W. Smith
Maps Of Invariance

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: — [detailed...]

ISBN: 1550419803
Book size: —; Page extent: 112.


Maps That Made History

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-1-903365-64-9
Book size: —; Page extent: 191.



Maps and Legends (BSI Art Collection Geneve)

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: For this pleasingly compact introduction to the wilder shores of contemporary European and American art, the BSI Art Collection in Geneva invited several writers, critics, artists and scientists--including Luca Cerizza, Joachim Koester, Helen Mirra and Hans Ulrich Obrist--to write responses to the works of artists held in its collection. The results, which range from the essayistic to outright fiction, make Maps and Legends an excellent example of the sheer scope of possible responses one can have to an artwork. Reproductions and installation shots of 11 artists--Franz Ackermann, Alighiero e Boetti, Marine Hugonnier, Joachim Koester, Deborah Ligorio, Jonathan Monk, Philippe Parreno, Kirsten Pieroth, Daniel Roth, Tomas Saraceno and Christopher Williams--make this book an informative read and a delightfully designed publication. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3905829134
Book size: —; Page extent: 280.


Michael Chabon
Maps and Legends: Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands (P.S.)

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0061650927
Book size: —; Page extent: 256.



Maps and the Internet

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This book examines a new trend affecting cartography and geographic information science. Presenting the work of over 30 authors from 16 different countries, the book provides an overview of current research in the new area of Internet Cartography. Chapters deal with the growth of this form of map distribution, uses in education, privacy issues, and technical aspects from the point of view of the map provider - including Internet protocols such as XML and SVG. Many see the Internet as a revolution for cartography. Previously tied to the medium of paper and expensive large-format color print technology, maps had a limited distribution and use. The Internet made it possible to not only distribute maps to a much larger audience but also to incorporate interaction and animation in the display. Maps have also become timelier with some maps of traffic and weather being updated every few minutes. In addition, it is now possible to access maps from servers throughout the world…. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0080449441
Book size: —; Page extent: 470.


Nadeem Aslam
Maps for Lost Lovers

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0571221823
Book size: —; Page extent: 496.


Nadeem Aslam
Maps for Lost Lovers

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book Description Jugnu and his lover, Chanda, have disappeared. Though unmarried, they had been living together, embracing the contemporary mores of the English town where they lived but disgracing themselves in the eyes of their close-knit Pakistani community. Rumors about their disappearance abound, but five months go by before anything certain is known. Finally, on a snow-covered January morning, Chanda’s brothers are arrested for the murder of their sister and Jugnu. Shock anddisbelief spread through the community, and for Jugnu’s brother, Shamas, and his wife, Kaukab, it is a moment that marks the beginning of the unraveling of all that is sacred to them. As the novel unfolds over the next twelve months, we watch Kaukab struggle to maintain her Islamic piety as the effects of the double murder prove increasingly corrosive to the life of her family. Upon its publication last year in England, Alan Hollinghurst praised Maps for Lost Lovers … [detailed...]

ISBN: 1400042429
Book size: —; Page extent: 400.


Nadeem Aslam
Maps for Lost Lovers

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: If Gabriel GarcA­a MA?rquez had chosen to write about Pakistani immigrants in England, he might have produced a novel as beautiful and devastating as Maps for Lost Lovers. Jugnu and Chanda have disappeared. Like thousands of people all over Enland, they were lovers and living together out of wedlock. To Chanda’s family, however, the disgrace was unforgivable. Perhaps enough so as to warrant murder. As he explores the disappearance and its aftermath through the eyes of Jugnu’s worldly older brother, Shamas, and his devout wife, Kaukab, Nadeem Aslam creates a closely observed and affecting portrait of people whose traditions threaten to bury them alive. The result is a tour de force, intimate, affecting, tragic and suspenseful. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1400076978
Book size: —; Page extent: 400.


Peter Turchi
Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer

2007 y.
Publisher: Trinity University Press
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1595340416
Book size: —; Page extent: 246.


Jeffrey Hopkins
Maps of the Profound: Jamyang Shayba`s Great Exposition of Buddhist and Non-Buddhist Views on the Nature of Reality

2004 y.
Publisher: Snow Lion Publications
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 155939207X
Book size: —; Page extent: 1136.



Maps of the Witham Fens from the Thirteenth to the Nineteenth Century (Publications of the Lincoln Record Society) (Publications of the Lincoln Record Society)

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: The low-lying parts of Lincolnshire are covered by an array of maps of intermediate scope, covering a greater area than a single parish but less than the whole country. Typically produced in connection with drainage or water transpor, and considerably predating the Ordnance Survey, to which many are comparable, they go back as far as the medieval period, with the remarkable Kirkstead Psalter Map of the West and Wildmore Fens (c.1232-39), and continue to the late nineteenth century.. This volume covers the Witham Valley, with the East, West and Wildmore Fens north of Boston, but extending as far as Grantham and Skegness, reproducing the most important of the maps and listing the less useful ones. The history of the drainage of the area is unusually dramatic. By 1750 the Witham was a failed river: the winter floods were worse than they had been for centuries and navigation from Boston to Lincoln had ceased. Over the following sixty years, local interests, aided by some able engineers,… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0901503835
Book size: —; Page extent: 184.


V. Por
Maquiavelo en la empresa

2005 y.
Publisher: Distal
Description: La mayor у mas organizada de las corporaciones revela aqui sus tecnicas de conduccion у las pone al alcance de todos. A diferencia de otros manuales de negocios, `Maquiavelo en la empresa` evita la verborragia teorica. Presenta descarnadamente la filosofia del liderazgo que fundara `El Imperio Silencioso` durante siglos de exitosa expansion. A modo de muestra, aqui van algunas perlas de sabidun`a: - `Antes de actuar en nombre de su jefe, este seguro de haber entendido perfectamente lo que el le ordena. Y si liquida al individuo equivocado. Y si hace volar el garito que no debta. Aprenda el arte de preguntar.` - `Mantenga cerca a sus amigos, pero mas cerca aun a sus enemigos.` - `No se involucre en ninguna intriga de oficina sin preguntarse antes: (Que es lo que yo consigo con esto у luego: Que es lo que ellos consiguen con esto` - `Si debe mentir, sea breve.` Формат: 15 см x 21,5 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 987-502-094-X
Book size: —; Page extent: 128.


Antony Jay
Maquiavelo lecciones para directivos

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionApplying Machiavellian precepts to such modern corporations as General Motors, Apple Computers and Microsoft, this management guide asserts that corporations can benefit from some of the same strategies, tactics, and techniques as those used by governments. A lighthearted approach and insights from The Prince lead managers to understand their corporations better by focusing on the nature and behavior of its leaders and viewing it from the eyes of a historian rather than an accountant. Aplicando los preceptos de Maquiavelo a tan modernas corporaciones como General Motors, Apple Computers y Microsoft, esta guia de administracion sostiene que las corporaciones se pueden beneficiar con algunas de las mismas estrategias, tacticas, y tecnicas como aquellas usadas por los gobiernos. Un acercamiento accesible y una vision comprensiva tomados del El Principe guia a los gerentes a entender mejor a sus corporaciones, al enfocar en la… [detailed...]

ISBN: 8480887621
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Melanie Davis Jones
Maquinas Grandes (Rookie Espanol)

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: — [detailed...]

ISBN: 0516246143
Book size: —; Page extent: 23.


Jose Luis Sampedro
Mar al fondo

2004 y.
Publisher: Debolsillo
Description: Una singular coleccion de relatos que recrean el espiritu de diferentes mares desde la mirada humana: empezando por los mares del Sur у siguiendo hasta el oceano Artico, pasando por el Egeo, el Baltico, el Mediterraneo у muchos otros. Para Sampedro, cada mar tiene su propia alma, fuerte у poderosa. Con un lenguaje apasionado у recio, `Mar at fondo` recorre las mas profundas emociones humanas, quiza porque en todas ellas late el deseo de uno de los personajes: `Fundirse en el mar, liberarse y, simplemente, existir`. Формат издания: 12,5 см х 19 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 84-9793-183-1
Book size: —; Page extent: 192.


Carlos Ros
MarA­a de San JosA© (Spanish Edition)

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Maria de San Jose, elegida por Teresa de Jesus como su sucesora en la Reforma del Carmelo, ha sido una mujer calumniada en vida y silenciada despues de muerta. Elegante escritora, poetisa y mistica, defensora de su condicion femenina, luchadora en defensa de la verdad, mujer orante y pura, resurge despues de siglos del ostracismo en que la escondieron frailes misoginos que no podian tolerar que tambien ellos, hombres, habian sido fundados por una mujer. Como no pudieron con Teresa de Jesus, se cebaron con los herederos de su Reforma. Maria de San Jose, priora de los Carmelos de Sevilla y Lisboa, sufrio en sus carnes la carcel conventual y calumnias aberrantes, y vino a morir, tras un destierro inicuo, en un convento perdido de la Mancha. [detailed...]

ISBN: 8492519312
Book size: —; Page extent: 432.


Irvine Welsh
Marabou Stork Nightmares

2004 y.
Publisher: Vintage
Description: Roy Strang is engaged is a strange quest in a surrealist South Africa. His mission is to eradicate the evil predator-scavenger bird, the marabou stork, before it drives away the peace-loving flamingo from the picturesque Lake Torto. But behind this world lies another: the world of Roy`s bizarre family, the Scottish housing scheme in which he grew up, his mundane job, a disastrous emigration to Africa, and his youthful life of brutality with a gang of soccer casuals. As one world crashes into the other, this potentially charming story of ornithological goodwill mutates into a filthy tale of violence, abuse and redemption. Формат: 13 см х 19,5 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-0-099-43511-2
Book size: —; Page extent: 288.


Diego Maradona
Maradona: The Autobiography of Soccer`s Greatest and Most Controversial Star

2007 y.
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1602390274
Book size: —; Page extent: 320.


maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics Group, Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers - from people first being introduced to algebra to those studying for their SATs or GEDs. Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra shows you the best way to perform each task, while the full-color examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and exercises to help enhance your algebra experience. Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra is packed with essential information for those who are learning algebra for the first time, and will provide more experienced readers with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to gain more advanced skills. Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra will cost less than the price of one private tutoring session, and will provide years of valuable reference. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592009425
Book size: —; Page extent: 304.


Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Excel 2003 (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics Group, Maran Illustrated? MicrosoftA® Excel 2003 is a valuable resource for all readers, regardless of experience. Clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each operation from beginning to end. Helpful topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to enhance your Excel 2003 experience and help meet your individual needs. Maran Illustrated? MicrosoftA® Excel 2003 is packed with information useful to those who have purchased their first computer and are learning Excel 2003 for the first time. Those who have experience with older versions of Excel will find this book an excellent guide to help them take command of their computing experience, by way of the easy-to-use maranGraphics format. You have the option of reading the book from cover to cover, or simply reading the individual topics they are interested in. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592008763
Book size: —; Page extent: 320.


maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Guitar (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book Description Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics group, ?Maran?s Illustrated Guide to Guitar? is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers?from those who want to play a few songs with their family around the campfire to those who aspire to become serious musicians or rock stars. ?Maran?s Illustrated Guide to Guitar? shows you the best way to perform each task, while the full-color photographs, music examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk youthrough each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance your guitar experience. ?Maran?s Illustrated Guide to Guitar? is packed with essential information for readers who are picking up a guitar for the first time, and will provide more experienced players with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to add more advanced techniques to their repertoire. ?Maran?s… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592008607
Book size: —; Page extent: 320.


maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Knitting and Crocheting (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Produced by the award-winning marganGraphics Group, Maran Illustrated Guide to Knitting and Crocheting is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers?from those new to the hobby to those who have dabbled in the occasional project to those more involved knitters and crocheters interested in mastering their craft. Instead of describing the myriad ways to perform each task, Maran Illustrated Guide to Knitting and Crocheting shows you the best way, while the full-color photographs and clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance your knitting and crocheting experience. Maran Illustrated Guide to Knitting and Crocheting is packed with essential information for those who are picking up needles for the first time, and will provide more experienced knitters and crocheters with the opportunity to add more advanced techniques to their repertoire. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592008623
Book size: —; Page extent: 304.


Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Office 2003 (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics Group, Maran Illustrated? MicrosoftA® Office 2003 is a valuable resource for all readers, regardless of experience. Clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each operation from beginning to end. Helpful topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to enhance your Office 2003 experience and help meet your individual needs. Maran Illustrated? MicrosoftA® Office 2003 is packed with information useful to those who have purchased their first computer and are learning Office 2003 for the first time. Those who have experience with older versions of Office will find this book an excellent guide to help them take command of their computing experience, by way of the easy-to-use maranGraphics format. You have the option of reading the book from cover to cover, or simply reading the individual topics they are interested in. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592008909
Book size: —; Page extent: 416.


maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Piano (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book Description Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics group, ?Maran?s Illustrated Guide to Piano? is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers?from people who want to play a few songs for their family in the living room tothose who aspire to become serious musicians. ?Maran?s Illustrated Guide to Piano? shows you the best way to perform each task, while the full-color photographs, music examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance piano experience. ?Maran?s Illustrated Guide to Piano? is packed with essential information for those who are sitting down in front of a piano for the first time, and will provide more experienced players with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to add more advanced techniques to their repertoire. ?Maran?s Illustrated… [detailed...]

ISBN: 159200864X
Book size: —; Page extent: 304.


maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Poker (Maran Illustrated)

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Maran Illustrated Poker is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers?from those who want to play a friendly game to those who aspire to become regulars at the Vegas high roller tables. Maran Illustrated Poker cleverly structures the entire playing process, allowing you to get inside the game. Full-color photographs and card examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each stage of the poker game from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance the your poker experience. This colorful, easy to use and informative resource will allow you to learn the ins and outs of poker comfortably at your own pace. Maran Illustrated Poker is packed with essential information for readers who are picking up poker for the first time, and will provide more experienced players with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to refine their game. Maran Illustrated Poker will cost less than the… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592009468
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.


Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Sudoku (Maran Illustrated)

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Sudoku has hit the world by storm. Some have proclaimed Sudoku as THE crossword puzzle of the 21st Century. This addictive puzzle phenomenon is played by tens of millions of people in North America and is gaining in popularity with each passing week. In addition to being a fun and almost addictive puzzle, Sudoku helps empower students with math skills that are invaluable for their future in the workforce, and is being used increasingly as a helpful teaching tool by parents and teachers. Maran Illustrated? Sudoku is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers?from individuals casually working on a puzzle on their train to work to those players who push themselves to set a new completion record with each game. Instead of paragraph after paragraph of dry text, Maran Illustrated? Sudoku uses clear, concise points to help the reader fully understand the complexities of Sudoku. The illustrations and context-sensitive text help walk the reader through each topic from beginning to end…. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1598633163
Book size: —; Page extent: 192.


Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Windows XP Guided Tour (Maran Illustrated)

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics group, Maran Illustrated? WindowsA® XP ? Guided Tour is a valuable resource for all readers, regardless of experience. Clear, step-by-step instructions walk you through each operation from beginning to end. Helpful topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to enhance the your Windows XP experience and help meet your individual needs. Maran Illustrated? WindowsA® XP ? Guided Tour is packed with information useful to those who have purchased their first computer and are learning Windows XP for the first time. Those who have experience with older versions of Windows, or even earlier versions of Windows XP, will find this book an excellent guide to help them take command of your computing experience, by way of the easy-to-use maranGraphics format. You have the option of reading the book cover to cover, or simply reading the individual topics they are interested in. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592008860
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.


Nik C. Colyer
Maranther`s Deception

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionAll I wanted was to show my wife, Leigha my favorite dunes deep in the Sonora Desert in northern Mexico. I was excited for her to see the beauty I?d witnessed so many times when I went there alone. Okay, I also hoped that I could nudge her past that old fear that still haunted her from her childhood. As luck would have it, thirty miles from civilization a gale force wind came up and buried our car in the sand. After a horrible night in the car, we hiked across the dunes and up a longcanyon to get to the nearest phone. Was it all a dream? Half way up the hill, on the second day of walking, the winds came up again and we stumbled upon six abandoned adobes. We took shelter and I don?t know how, but sometime during the night Leigha disappeared. Frantic with confusion and a sense of deep regret for putting Leigha in harm`s way, I didn`t know what to do. The next morning, while looking for Leigha, I met an old woman sitting in front of a fire. Without moving her… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0970816340
Book size: —; Page extent: 302.


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