All counter of AlamanShop

Maria Venturi
Il nuovo incantesimo

2005 y.
Publisher: BUR
Description: Laura e Luca, entrambi medici della clinica Life, si innamorano loro malgrado, ma sin dall`inizio esplodono i conflitti: professionali, i piu semplici da risolvere, e personali. Luca ha paura di amare perche e gia rimasto ferito, e Laura, figlia illegittima, crede di poter riempire con il lavoro il vuoto causato dalla scarsa presenza del padre nella sua vita. La storia d`amore, in cui ogni coppia si puo ritrovare, si svolge quindi tra molte difficolta: la paura di rimettersi in gioco dopo i dolori subiti, i dubbi tra ragione e sentimento, le tentazioni dell`orgoglio. Il lieto fine sara una conquista lunga e faticosa. [detailed...]

ISBN: 88-17-00110-4
Book size: 130x200; Page extent: 252.


Aldo Palazzeschi
Il palio dei buffi

2007 y.
Publisher: јйрис-ѕресс
Description: ѕисатель и поэт јльдо ѕалаццески - одна из самых ¤рких и оригинальных фигур в италь¤нской литературе XX в. Ќовеллистика занимает в литературном наследии ѕалаццески особое место. ¬ его багаже восемь дес¤тков новелл и книга рассказов `Ёстампы XIX века`. `“урнир чудаков`, первый сборник новелл, увидел свет в 1936. ¬ книгу вошли 12 рассказов, вз¤тые из этого сборника. “ексты снабжены лексико-грамматическим и лингвострановедческим комментарием. »здание на италь¤нском ¤зыке. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-5-8112-2413-5
Book size: 70x90/32; Page extent: 256.


Umberto Eco
Il pendolo di Foucault

2007 y.
Publisher: Bompiani, Rl Libri
Description: `Е questo romanzo magico sulla magia, questo romanzo misterioso sul segreto e sulla creativita della finzione, questo romanzo tumultuoso, questo romanzo luminoso su un mondo sotterraneoЕ` Jacques Le Goff, L`Espresso `Sono convinto che un giudizio serio su quest`opera (che e comunque straordinaria, anche a prima lettura) pud essere datao solo se tien conto della continuity di una linea critico-teorica che ha continuato a maturare nell`arco di trent`anni.` Antonio Porta, Corriere della Sera ‘ормат: 12,5 см х 19 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-88-452-4749-1
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 704.


Pascal Sevran
Il pleut, embrasse-moi

2005 y.
Publisher: Albin Michel
Description: Morterolles, 8 aout 2004. ` Et les cloches de l`eglise qui ne sonnent plus. II me semble pourtant les entendre, au loin dans mon silence. Quelle heure est-il exactement ? J`ai dine seul sur la terrasse. Christiane m`avait laisse des blinis et du saumon. J`ai bu de la vodka et je me demandais : quelle heure est-il dans ma vie ? Sur cette terrasse a l`ombre du tilleul et des lilas, les derniers beaux soirs remontent a lui. Tous les etes de sa jeunesse ici se confondent mainte-nant avec le temps qui passe`. ‘ормат: 11 см х 18 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-2-253-11775-9, 2-253-1175-7
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 288.


Dino Buzzati
Il segreto di bosco vecchio

2009 y.
Publisher: Oscar Mondadori
Description: `Bosco Vecchio` strive Claudio Toscani nella sua Introduzione a questo volume `e un mito: e la foresta sacra dove affondano le loro radici l`infanzia dello scrittore e quella dell`umanita, dimensione incontaminata che simbolizza la vita come forza gioiosa e gra-tuita, disinteressata ed eterna. Boseo Vecchio e abitato da un popolo di `geni`, custodi degli alberi, titolari della magica possibility di trasformarsi a piacere in animali о in uomini, nonche di uscire dai loro domestici tronchi per vivere una vita del tutto uguale alia nostra. Un `fantastico`, questo di Buzzati, che ci fa credere nell`incredibile perche i suoi segreti, le sue magiche coincidenze, le sue rivelanti metamorfosi, i suoi suscitanti sortilegi, sono un inverosimile che ci aiuta a esaurire il verosimile`. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-88-04-48041-9
Book size: 110x180; Page extent: 156.


Dan Brown
Il simbolo perduto

2009 y.
Publisher: Mondadori
Description: Robert Langdon, professore di simbologia ad Harvard, e in viaggio per Washington. E stato convocato d`urgenza dall`amico Peter Solomon, uomo potentissimo affiliato alla massoneria, nonche filantropo, scienziato e storico, per tenere una conferenza al Campidoglio sulle origini esoteriche della capitale americana. Ad attenderlo c`e pero un inquietante fanatico che vuole servirsi di lui per svelare un segreto millenario. Langdon intuisce qual e la posta in gioco quando all`interno della Rotonda del Campidoglio viene ritrovato un agghiacciante messaggio: una mano mozzata col pollice e l`indice rivolti verso l`alto. L`anello istoriato con emblemi massonici all`anulare non lascia ombra di dubbio: e la mano destra di Solomon. Langdon scopre di avere solamente poche ore per ritrovare l`amico. Viene cosi proiettato in un labirinto di tunnel e oscuri templi, dove si perpetuano antichi riti iniziatici. La sua corsa contro il tempo lo costringe a dar fondo a tutta la propria sapienza perЕ [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-88-04-59674-5
Book size: 145x220; Page extent: 612.


Pasolini Pier Paolo
Il sogno di una cosa

2009 y.
Publisher: Garzanti
Description: Pasolini nasce a Bologna il 5 marzo 1922. Per tutta I`infanzia e I`adotescenza segue il padre, ufficiale di fanteria, nei suoi spostamenti, trasferendosi continuamente da una citta all`altra del Nord Italia. Nel 1912 a causa della guerra si rifugia nel paese materno, Casarsa in Friuli. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-88-11-69702-2
Book size: 110x180; Page extent: 232.


Andrea Camilleri
Il tailleur grigio

2009 y.
Publisher: Oscar Mondadori
Description: Nel corso della sua lunga, irreprensibile carriera di alto funzionario di banca e di marito devoto, il protagonista di questo romanzo ha ricevuto tre lettere anonime. Le prime due sono vecchie di decenni, l`ultima е recente e insinua dubbi sulla fedelta della sua giovane e bellissima seconda moglie, Adele, una splendida e irresistibile femme fatale, una donna dotata in pari misura di ferina sensualita e di un gusto sobrio e deciso in tutto, anche nel vestire. Non stupisce nessuno, dunque, che in alcune particolari circostanze ami indossare un castigato tailleur grigio. Ma questo vestito assume un profondo significato simbolico. Un significato che forse sarebbe molto meglio non conoscere maiЕ Pochi scrittori come Camilleri hanno saputo seguire il ritmo del corpo e il battito deH`animafemminile. In queste pagine del piu `francese` dei suoi romanzi, in questa affascinante, temibile Adele accarezzata dalla scrittura come da mani appassionate e al tempo spesso intimorite, siЕ [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-88-04-58964-8
Book size: 140x215; Page extent: 144.


Italo Calvino
Il visconte dimezzato

2009 y.
Publisher: Oscar Mondadori
Description: `Quando ho cominciato a scrivere `II visconte dimezzato`, volevo soprattutto scrivere una storia divertente per divertire me stesso e possibilmente per divertire gli altri, avevo questa immagine di un uomo tagliato in due ed ho pensato che questo tenia dell`uomo tagliato in due, dell`uomo dimezzato fosse un tema significative, avesse un significato contemporaneo: tutti ci sentiamo in qualche modo incompleti, tutti realizziamo una parte di noi stessi e non l`altra`. Da un`intervista di Calvino con gli studenti di Pesaro, dell`l I maggio 1983 [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-88-04-37087-1
Book size: 110x185; Page extent: 200.


Italo Calvino
Il visconte dimezzato

2004 y.
Publisher: ёпитер-»нтер
Description: ¬ниманию читателей предлагаетс¤ полный, неадаптированный текст аллегорической повести известного современного италь¤нского писател¤ »тало  альвино `–азрубленный виконт` (1951) из цикла `Ќаши предки` (I nostri antenati). »здание рассчитано на лиц, владеющих основами италь¤нского ¤зыка и совершенствующих свои навыки в нем. [detailed...]

ISBN: 5-9542-0044-0
Book size: 70x90/32; Page extent: 92.


ќлег –астренин
Il-2 Shturmovik Guards Units of World War 2

2008 y.
Publisher: Osprey Publishing
Description: The Ilyushin Il-2 `Shturmovik` is justly considered to be the best attack aircraft of World War 2, featuring unrivalled capabilities in the demanding role of tank destroyer. Its closest rival was the German Henschel Hs 129 armoured attack aircraft, which was inferior to the Il-2 in many of its flight characteristics. Additionally, just 879 Hs 129s were manufactured, compared with 36,154 Il-2s. In 1942 the `Shturmovik` became the most widespread aircraft in service with the Red Army Air Force, accounting for roughly 30 per cent of its active combat aircraft fleet. Most Il-2s served with attack aircraft divisions, with elite regiments in these divisions being awarded Guards status following their outstanding exploits in combat. This volume chronicles the hard-fought battles between these elite units and the German Wehrmacht that took place during The Great Patriotic War. Written by a leading Russian aviation historian and illustrated with specially commissioned profile artwork andЕ [detailed...]

ISBN: 978 1 84603 296 7
Book size: 185x250; Page extent: 96.


Evgeny Petrov, Ilya Ilf
Ilf and Petrov`s American Road Trip: The 1935 Travelogue of Two Soviet Writers

2006 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: In 1935, well into the era of Soviet communism, Russian satirical writers Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov came to the U.S as special correspondents for the Russian newspaper Pravda . They drove cross-country and back on a ten-week trip, recording images of American life through humerous texts and the lens of a Leica camera. When they returned home, they published their work in Ogonek , the Soviet equivalent of Time magazine, and later in the book Odnoetazhnaia Amerika (Single-Storied America). This wonderful lost workЧfilled with wry observations, biting opinions, and telling photographsЧis now collected in Ilf and Petrov`s American Road Trip , the first English translation. From Ilf and Petrov`s American Road Trip : `The word `America` has well-developed grandiose associations for a Soviet person, for whom it refers to a country of skyscrapers, where day and night one hears the unceasing thunder of surface and underground trains,Е [detailed...]

ISBN: 1568986009
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 176.


Iliad (Arcturus Classics)

2009 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1848373252
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 416.


Mercedes Lackey, Roberta Gellis
Ill Met by Moonlight (Scepter`d Isle)

2006 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: England in the sixteenth century: a nation at a fatal fork in time, leading to two possible futures forseen by the Sidhe of Elfhame Avalon. Either an evil queen will join forces with the Inquisition and rule with a blood-spattered iron hand, threatening humans and elves alikeA?or a benevolent, red-haired queen named Elizabeth will rule wisely and well. But the evil Unseleighe Sidhe, who feed on human suffering and dark emotions, are determined that the little girl Elizabeth shall never grow up to take the throne. Opposing them are the good Sidhe of elfland, who have so far managed to protect the young girl. Denoriel had foiled one attempt to kidnap both Elizabeth and her half-brother and replace them with changelings, almost at the cost of his own life. But a few years have passed, and Denoriel has healed and returned to guard the young princess, now all of eight years old, secure in the knowledge that his enemy Vidal, leader of the evil Unseleighe, is dead, killed with an iron boltЕ [detailed...]

ISBN: 1416520961
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 768.


Mercedes Lackey, Roberta Gellis
Ill Met by Moonlight (The Scepter`d Isle)

2005 y.
Publisher: Baen
Description: England in the sixteenth century: a nation at a fatal fork in time, leading to two possible futures forseen by the Sidhe of Elfhame Avalon. Either an evil queen will join forces with the Inquisition and rule with a blood-spattered iron hand, threatening humans and elves alike-or a benevolent, red-haired queen named Elizabeth will rule wisely and well. But the evil Unseleighe Sidhe, who feed on human suffering and dark emotions, are determined that the little girl Elizabeth shall never grow up to take the throne. Opposing them are the good Sidhe of elfland, who have so far managed to protect the young girl. Denoriel had foiled one attempt to kidnap both Elizabeth and her half-brother and replace them with changelings, almost at the cost ofhis own life. But a few years have passed, and Denoriel has healed and returned to guard the young princess, now all of eight years old, secure in the knowledge that his enemy Vidal, leader of the evil Unseleighe, is dead, killed with an iron boltЕ [detailed...]

ISBN: 0743498909
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 528.


Jeffery Robins
Ill Met by Twilight

2009 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1608366103
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 160.


Lester Chafetz
Ill Tempered String Quartet: A Vademecum for the Amateur Musician

2005 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: Book DescriptionWitty and practical, this book is for amateur string instrument players who want to play quartets and other forms of chamber music. It covers everything. The long chapter discussing the `literature` is exceptionally valuable. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0786421517
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 168.


Karen Kenney
Illegal Immigration (Essential Viewpoints)

2007 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1599288613
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 112.


Illegal Logging In The Tropics: Strategies For Cutting Crime

2005 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: Ч [detailed...]

ISBN: 1560221178
Book size: Ч; Page extent: Ч.


David Bacon
Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants

2008 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: For two decades veteran photojournalist David Bacon has documented the connections between labor, migration, and the global economy. In Illegal People Bacon explores the human side of globalization, exposing the many ways it uproots people in Latin America and Asia, driving them to migrate. At the same time, U.S. immigration policy makes the labor of those displaced people a crime in the United States. Illegal People explains why our national policy produces even more displacement, more migration, more immigration raids, and a more divided, polarized society.Through interviews and on-the-spot reporting from both impoverished communities abroad and American immigrant workplaces and neighborhoods, Bacon shows how the United States` trade and economic policy abroad, in seeking to create a favorable investment climate for large corporations, creates conditions to displace communities and set migration into motion. Trade policy and immigration are intimately linked, Bacon argues, and are,Е [detailed...]

ISBN: 0807042269
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 261.


David Tripp
Illegal Tender: Gold, Greed, and the Mystery of the Lost 1933 Double Eagle

2004 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: It is one of America`s treasures -- the most valuable ounce of gold in the world, the celebrated, the fabled, the infamous 1933 double eagle. It shouldn`t even exist but it does, and its astonishing, true adventures read like `a composite of The Lord of the Rings and The Maltese Falcon` ( The New York Times ). Illegal to own and coveted all the more, it has been sought with passion by men of wealth and with steely persistence by the United States government for more than a half century. In 1905, at the height of the exuberant Gilded Age, President Theodore Roosevelt commissioned America`s greatest sculptor, Augustus Saint- Gaudens -- as he battled in vain for his life -- to create what became America`s most beautiful coin.A?In 1933 the hopes of America dimmed in the darkness of the Great Depression, and gold -- the nation`s lifeblood -- hemorrhaged from the financial system. As the economy teetered on the brink of total collapse, Franklin Delano Roosevelt,Е [detailed...]

ISBN: 0743245741
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 384.


Rick Smolan
Illinois 24/7

2004 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: Book DescriptionFollowing the success of The New York Times bestseller America 24/7 , DK is publishing 50 books that showcase the best photographs from each state - all to be published on the same day. Each individual book includes 95% new photography and is a unique peronal expression of state pride. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0756600537
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 192.


Ibp Usa, USA International Business Publications
Illinois Investment and Business Guide (US Business and Investment Library)

2008 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: Illinois Investment and Business Guide (US Business and Investment Library) [detailed...]

ISBN: 0739732161
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 300.


Andrew Santella
Illinois Native Peoples (Heinemann State Studies)

2007 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1432902695
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 48.


Illinois Real Estate Preparation Guide (with CD-ROM) (Real Estate Exam Preparation Guide)

2006 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: The ILLINOIS REAL ESTATE EXAM PREP SMART GUIDE and its accompanying CD-ROM is the smart way to pass the Illinois real estate exam with confidence! Maximize exam prep time with this all-in-one state-specific real estate exam prep guide that delivers the most exam practice available -- in one package. With hundreds of exam-style questions, answers, and rationale, you will quickly learn the best way to pass the real estate exam. The free CD-ROM includes even more national and state real-estate license exam questions, answers, and explanations. Plus, it contains a real estate math review and glossary for complete exam preparation. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0324642202
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 80.


Tanya Lloyd Kyi

2002 y.
Publisher: Whitecap Books
Description: Welcome to the `Land of Lincoln!` Visit the former President`s residence on this photographic tour and find out about historical and present day Illinois. Take in the fields of soybeans and corn that are the backbone of the state`s agricultural industry. Discover Chicago, the city that Frank Sinatra called `My Kind of Town`. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1552853268
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 96.


Dan Deprospero, Jackie Deprospero
Illluminated Spirit: Conversations With a Kyudo Master

2007 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1890536113
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 128.


Illness (Tough Topics)

2007 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0431907854
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 32.


Dalton Ray Pitt
Illogical Suspects

2003 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: Book DescriptionMax Darzon was a working man employed with a national delivery chain. One morning he was offered a proposition by company brass. Upon his agreement, he was temporarily reassigned to Las Vegas. Almost simultaneous with his arrival, Vegas started to suffer from a baffling murder spree, seemingly aimed at the homeless. Later Max would stumble upon the main culprit behind these horrendous crimes, eventually leading to the discovery of beings so terrifying the very thought of their existence would be too far fetched for anyone to believe. But when Max?s wife Janice is abducted by the leader of the beings, their real sinister intentions are revealed. He befriends a local policeman and they devise a plan to free his wife and bring an end tothe city?s siege of terror. However, something goes terribly wrong, eventually leaving Janice as the only person who can perhaps expose the beings and save her husband. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1592865038
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 196.


Joe Pulichino, Julie Higgins
Illuminated Heart: Love Songs of a Zen Romantic

2007 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0979777534
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 79.


Nigel Morgan, Stella Panayotova
Illuminated Manuscripts in Cambridge, Part One: The Frankish Kingdoms, the Low Countries and Germany

2009 y.
Publisher: Ч
Description: This publication is the first to appear in a major new series of catalogues covering all the Western medieval illuminated manuscripts in Cambridge, excluding only the separately catalogued manuscripts in the University Library. The catalogue entries, based on the most recent studies undertaken by the Cambridge Illuminations Research Project, are organised geographically by place of origin, and, within that grouping, listed chronologically. The present two-volume catalogue deals with the early manuscripts produced in the Frankish Kingdoms, the splendid, richly illustrated books from the Northern and Southern Netherlands ranging from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century, illuminations from the Meuse region, manuscripts both in Latin and the vernacular from the late eleventh to the end of the sixteenth century from Germany, and lastly an interesting group of books from Bohemia, Austria and Hungary. While the focus of the catalogue is on the illumination, all decoration andЕ [detailed...]

ISBN: 1905375476
Book size: Ч; Page extent: 560.


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