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Hertfordshire Garden History: A Miscellany

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1905313381
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.



Herve This Kitchen Mysteries: Revealing the Science of Cooking

2007 y.
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Description: An international celebrity and founder of molecular gastronomy, or the scientific investigation of culinary practice, Herve This is known for his ground-breaking research into the chemistry and physics behind everyday cooking. His work is consulted widely by amateur cooks and professional chefs and has changed the way food is approached and prepared all over the world. In Kitchen Mysteries, Herve This offers a second helping of his world-renowned insight into the science of cooking, answering such fundamental questions as what causes vegetables to change color when cooked and how to keep a souffle from falling. He illuminates abstract concepts with practical advice and concrete examples-for instance, how sauteing in butter chemically alters the molecules of mushrooms-so that cooks of every stripe can thoroughly comprehend the scientific principles of food. Формат: 16 см х 21 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-0-231-14170-3
Book size: —; Page extent: 230.


Nicoletta Grandi
Herzlich willkommen Neu: Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus: Arbeitsbuch (аудиокурс на CD)

2001 y.
Publisher: Langenscheidt
Description: Mit Herzlich wilikommen Neu lernen Angestellte in Gastronomie und Touristen-lnformationen die wichtigsten Situationen ihres Berufsalltags mit deutschsprachigen Gasten zu bewaltigen. Fur Angestellte im Restaurant und in Touristen-lnformationen, Auszubildende an Gastronomie-fachschulen oder in Gastronomie- und Touristen-fachkursen an Goethe-lnstituten und Sprachzentren mit Grundkenntnissen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Als kurstragendes Lehrwerk oder als kursbegleiten-des Zusatzmaterial in Verbindung mit allgemein-sprachlichen Lehrwerken flexibel einsetzbar. Intensives Training von Horverstehen und Sprech-fahigkeit mit integrierter Ausspracheschulung. Sprachtipps fur die Praxis mit Anwendungsubungen und Rikkschauseiten im Arbeitsbuch. Knappe, ubersichtliche Vorschlage zur Integration von Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch und zum Unterrichts- ablauf in den Lehrerhandreichungen. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3-468-49548-X, 978-3-468-49548-9
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Nicoletta Grandi
Herzlich willkommen Neu: Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus: Arbeitsbuch

2001 y.
Publisher: Langenscheidt
Description: Mit `Herzlich wilikommen Neu` lernen Angestellte in Gastronomie und Touristen-lnformationen die wichtigsten Situationen ihres Berufsalltags mit deutschsprachigen Gasten zu bewaltigen. Fur Angestellte im Restaurant und in Touristen-Informationen, Auszubildende an Gastronomie-fachschulen oder in Gastronomie- und Touristen-fachkursen an Goethe-lnstituten und Sprachzentren mit Grundkenntnissen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Als kurstragendes Lehrwerk oder als kursbegleiten-des Zusatzmaterial in Verbindung mit allgemein-sprachlichen Lehrwerken flexibel einsetzbar. Intensives Training von Horverstehen und Sprech-fahigkeit mit integrierter Ausspracheschulung. Sprachtipps fur die Praxis mit Anwendungsubungen und Rikkschauseiten im Arbeitsbuch. Knappe, ubersichtliche Vorschlage zur Integration von Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch und zum Unterrichts- ablauf in den `Lehrerhandreichungen`. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-468-49543-4
Book size: 210x280; Page extent: 96.


Ulrike Cohen
Herzlich willkommen Neu: Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus: Lehrbuch (аудиокурс на 2 CD)

2001 y.
Publisher: Langenscheidt
Description: Mit Herzlich wilikommen Neu lernen Angestellte in Gastronomie und Touristen-lnformationen die wichtigsten Situationen ihres Berufsalltags mit deutschsprachigen Gasten zu bewaltigen. Fur Angestellte im Restaurant und in Touristen-lnformationen, Auszubildende an Gastronomie-fachschulen oder in Gastronomie- und Touristen-fachkursen an Goethe-lnstituten und Sprachzentren mit Grundkenntnissen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Als kurstragendes Lehrwerk oder als kursbegleiten-des Zusatzmaterial in Verbindung mit allgemein-sprachlichen Lehrwerken flexibel einsetzbar. Intensives Training von Horverstehen und Sprech-fahigkeit mit integrierter Ausspracheschulung. Sprachtipps fur die Praxis mit Anwendungsubungen und Rikkschauseiten im Arbeitsbuch. Knappe, ubersichtliche Vorschlage zur Integration von Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch und zum Unterrichts- ablauf in den Lehrerhandreichungen. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3-468-49547-1
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Ulrike Cohen
Herzlich willkommen Neu: Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus: Lehrbuch

2001 y.
Publisher: Langenscheidt
Description: Mit `Herzlich wilikommen Neu` lernen Angestellte in Gastronomie und Touristen-lnformationen die wichtigsten Situationen ihres Berufsalltags mit deutschsprachigen Gasten zu bewaltigen. Fur Angestellte im Restaurant und in Touristen-Informationen, Auszubildende an Gastronomie-fachschulen oder in Gastronomie- und Touristen-fachkursen an Goethe-Instituten und Sprachzentren mit Grundkenntnissen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Als kurstragendes Lehrwerk oder als kursbegleiten-des Zusatzmaterial in Verbindung mit allgemein-sprachlichen Lehrwerken flexibel einsetzbar. Intensives Training von Horverstehen und Sprech-fahigkeit mit integrierter Ausspracheschulung. Sprachtipps fur die Praxis mit Anwendungsubungen und Rikkschauseiten im Arbeitsbuch. Knappe, ubersichtliche Vorschlage zur Integration von Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch und zum Unterrichts- ablauf in den `Lehrerhandreichungen`. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-468-49542-7
Book size: 210x280; Page extent: 104.


Ulrike Cohen, Nicoletta Grandi
Herzlich willkommen: Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus: Lehrerhandreichungen

2002 y.
Publisher: Langenscheidt
Description: Die Lehrerhandreichungen zu Herzlich willkommen Neu ermoglichen eine optimale Unterrichtsvorbereitung ohne grossen Zeitaufwand. Sie enthalten. Hinweise zum didaktischen Konzept. Informationen auf einen Blick zu Handlungsbereichen, Aussprache, Wortschatz und Strukturen in jedem Kapitel. knappe, ubersichtliche Vorschlage zum Unterrichtsablauf und zur Integration von Lehrbuch, Arbeitsbuch und Kassetten/CDs. zusatzliche (Spiei-)ldeen. Tipps zur Ausspracheschulung. Transkripte der Hortexte zur Arbeitsbuch-Kassette/-CD. Формат: 18 см x 24 cм. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-3-468-49544-1, 3-468-49544-7
Book size: —; Page extent: 48.


Anthony Hyman
Herzog &, de Meuron 1989-1991

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Herzog &, de Meuron gehA¶ren zu den international bedeutendsten Architekten unserer Zeit. Der jA?ngste Auftrag fA?r die neue Tate Gallery in London hat das einem breiteren Publikum ebenso signalisiert wie groAYe Ausstellungen in Tokio, New York und Paris. Die Gesamtausgabe im BirkhA¤user-Verlag fA?r Architektur trA¤gt diesem herausragenden Stellenwert Rechnung und stellt das Werk in seinem. Band 2 umfaAYt die Jahre 1989-91. Unter den 32 EntwA?rfen sind so bekannte Bauten wie das kupferummantelte Stellwerk und das Lokomotivdepot in Basel, das Museum fA?r die Kunstsammlung Goetz in MA?nchen, die Studentenwohnheime auf dem UniversitA¤tscampus in Dijon und die Sportanlage Pfaffenholz in St. Louis. Die groAY angelegte Studie , aber auch die MasterplA¤ne fA?r den UniversitA¤tscampus in Dijon oder den neuen Ortsteil Sils Cuncas im Oberengadin gehA¶ren zu den stA¤dtebaulichen Analysen, die einen Schwerpunkt des Bandes ausmachen. [detailed...]

ISBN: 3764373652
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.


Hesiod, Glenn W. Most
Hesiod, I, Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (Loeb Classical Library)

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Hesiod describes himself as a Boeotian shepherd who heard the Muses call upon him to sing about the gods. His exact dates are unknown, but he has often been considered a younger contemporary of Homer. This volume of the new Loeb Classical Library edition offers a general introduction, a fluid translation facing an improved Greek text of Hesiod`s two extant poems, and a generous selection of testimonia from a wide variety of ancient sources regarding Hesiod`s life, works, and reception. In Theogony Hesiod charts the history of the divine world, narrating the origin of the universe and the rise of the gods, from first beginnings to the triumph of Zeus, and reporting on the progeny of Zeus and of goddesses in union with mortal men. In Works and Days Hesiod shifts his attention to the world of men, delivering moral precepts and practical advice regarding agriculture, navigation, and many other matters, along the way he… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0674996224
Book size: —; Page extent: 400.


Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days, Shield

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Hesiod belongs to the transitional period in Greek civilization between the oral tradition and the introduction of a written alphabet. His two major surviving works, the Theogony and the Works and Days, address the divine and the mundane, respectively. The Theogony traces the origins of the Greek gods and recounts the events surrounding the crowning of Zeus as their king. A manual of moral instruction in verse, the Works and Days was addressed to farmers and peasants. Introducing his celebrated translations of these two poems and of the Shield, a very ancient poem of disputed authorship, Apostolos Athanassakis positions Hesiod simultaneously as a philosopher-poet, a bard with deep roots in the culture of his native Boeotia, and the heir to a long tradition of Hellenic poetry. For this eagerly anticipated revised edition, Athanassakis has provided an expanded introduction on Hesiod and his work, subtly amended his faithful translations, significantly augmented the notes and… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0801879841
Book size: —; Page extent: 192.


Jenny Strauss Clay
Hesiod`s Cosmos

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionThis study reveals the unity of Hesiod`s vision of the Cosmos by reading both his poems as two complementary halves of a whole embracing the human and divine cosmos. In the Theogony and Works and Days, Hesiod, roughly contemporary with Homer, does not describe the deeds of the heroes. He provides instead the earliest comprehensive account of the genesis of the Greek gods and the nature of human life that became the foundation for later Greek literature and philosophy.Download DescriptionHesiod`s Cosmos offers a comprehensive interpretation of both the Theogony and the Works and Days and demonstrates how the two Hesiodic poems must be read together as two halves of an integrated whole embracing both the divine and the human cosmos. After first offering a survey of the structure of both poems, Professor Clay reveals their mutually illuminating unity by offering detailed analyses of their respective poems, their teachings on the origins of the human race, and the two… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0521823927
Book size: —; Page extent: 214.


Hesiod, Walter C. Neale
Hesiod`s Works and Days

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: This new, annotated translation of Hesiod`s Works and Days is a collaboration between David W. Tandy, a classicist, and Walter Neale, an economist and economic historian. Hesiod was an ancient Greek poet whose Works and Days discusses agricultural practices and society in general. Classicists and ancient historians have turned to Works and Days for its insights on Greek mythology and religion. The poem also sheds light on economic history and ancient agriculture, and is a good resource for social scientists interested in these areas. This translation emphasizes the activities and problems of a practicing agriculturist as well as the larger, changing political and economic institutions of the early archaic period. The authors provide a clear, accurate translation along with notes aimed at a broad audience. The introductory essay discusses the changing economic, political and trading world of the eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E., while the notes present the… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0520203844
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Stephenie Meyer

2009 y.
Publisher: Hachette
Description: `Deux futurs, deux ames soeurs… C`etait trop pour une seule personne. Je compris que ce n`etait pas Edward et Jacob que j`avais essaye de reconcilier, c`etaient les deux parts de moi-meme, la Bella d`Edward et la Bella de Jacob. Malheureusement, elles ne pouvaient coexister et j`avais eu tort de tenter de les y contraindre. A present, je ne doute pas de ce que je desire, ni de ce dont j`ai besoin… ni de ce que je vais faire, la, maintenant.` Формат: 13,5 см x 21,5 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-2-01-201493-0
Book size: —; Page extent: 624.


Frances Hesselbein, Jim Collins
Hesselbein on Leadership

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: The woman BusinessWeek called the `grande dame of American management` shares her vision of leadership Frances Hesselbein rose from a volunteer troop leader to become CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA. During her tenure Hesselbein transformed the Girl Scouts and created one of the most vibrant and recognized organizations in the world. In the course of her brilliant career, she was recognized by Fortune magazine as the `Best Nonprofit Manager in America` and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Now, for the first time, Frances Hesselbein has collected her most incisive and stirring writings on the topic of leadership in one compelling book. The book affirms Hesselbein`s specific leadership principles that will give readers the inspirationto go forth and become exemplary leaders. It is also filled with the practical knowledge readers need so they can make a difference every day. These gems of leadership wisdom include Hesselbein`s thoughts on innovation, change,… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0787963925
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Frits Gierstbert
Het L.P. Polhuis Archief / The L.P. Polhuis Archive: Een Gewoon Familie-Album / An Ordinary Family Album

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionEven by snapshot standards, the images in this charming book are exceptional. Leo Polhuis started photographing his first baby in 1959 and only stopped photographing his family in 1981, when he became ill. Polhius photographed, almost like an anthropologist, all family activities with the enthusiasm typical of a Dutch amateur. Many of these images overlap with current documentary practice and, in this sense, his work seems ahead of its time. Most archives or albums are haphazard, but presented here is a body of work that clearly demonstrates the meticulous devotion of a family man who, over the course of two decades, became a photographer. Essay by Frits Gierstberg. Foreword by Martin Parr. Paperback, 6.5 x 9 in./74 pgs / 51 color. [detailed...]

ISBN: 9085460050
Book size: —; Page extent: 74.


Lubomir Dolezel
Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society)

2000 y.
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Description: `The universe of possible worlds is constantly expanding and diversifying thanks to the incessant world-constructing activity of human minds and hands. Literary fiction is probably the most active experimental laboratory of the world-constructing enterprise.` -- from the author`s Preface The standard contrast between fiction and reality, notes Lubomir Dolezel, obscures an array of problems that have beset philosophers and literary critics for centuries. Commentators usually admit that fiction conveys some kind of truth -- the truth of the story of Faust, for instance. They acknowledge that fiction usually bears some kind of relation to reality -- for example, the London of Dickens. But both the status of the truth and the nature of the relationship have baffled, frustrated, or repelled a long line of thinkers. In Heterocosmica, Lubomir Dolezel offers nothing less than a complete theory of literary fiction based on the idea of possible worlds. Beginning with a discussion… [detailed...]

ISBN: 080186738X
Book size: —; Page extent: 352.


V. S. Subrahmanian, Piero Bonatti, Jrgen Dix, Thomas Eiter, Sarit Kraus, Fatma Ozcan, Robert Ross
Heterogeneous Agent Systems

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: Software agents are the latest advance in the trend toward smaller, modular pieces of code, where each module performs a well-defined, focused task or set of tasks. Programmed to interact with and provide services to other agents, including humans, software agents act autonomously with prescribed backgrounds, beliefs, and operations. Systems of agents can access and manipulate heterogeneously stored data such as that found on the Internet. After a discussion of the theory of software agents, this book presents IMPACT (Interactive Maryland Platform for Agents Collaborating Together), an experimental agent infrastructure that translates formal theories of agency into a functional multiagent system that can extend legacy software code and application-specific or legacy data structures. The book describes three sample applications: a store, a self-correcting auto-pilot, and a supply chain. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0262194368
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


N. Koike, N. Koike, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, NEC Research Symposium 1997 Berlin Germany
Heterogeneous Computing &, Multidisciplinary Applications Proceedings of the Eighth NEC Research Symposium (Proceedings in Applied Mathematics 100)

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: Symposium held in Berlin, Germany, May 1997. This book covers a broad spectrum of topics relating to leading-edge developments in scientific computing, including meta-computers and their use, networked computing, interoperability of architectures andprogramming models, coupled simulations involving multiple physical modeling, and compatibility of independent simulations of various phenomena for the design of a single product. This symposium brought together technology providers, application program developers, and industrial users of high performance computing systems. The articles address the current and future developments of computing systems for numerical simulation seen from these various viewpoints. The main issues raised include these questions: ? Clustered computing: should we be looking for commodity PC-clusters or more efficient ways to exploit the networking of large computing centers? ? As the expectations of numerical simulation increase,… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0898714494
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Mary M. Eshaghian
Heterogeneous Computing (Artech House Computer Science Library)

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: — [detailed...]

ISBN: 0890065527
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


?Helene Bestougeff, Jacques Emile Dubois, Bhavani Thuraisingham, Helene Bestougeff
Heterogeneous Information Exchange and Organizational Hubs

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: This book introduces heterogeneous information exchange as related to organizational hubs and provides new directions and challenges for various other topics, including knowledge management and web information management. It presents ongoing developmentsin formal and experimental work and extended examples help the reader to understand underlying concepts and the difficulties with applications. The book is divided into three major parts: + Part I -- Heterogeneous Database Integration: Concepts and Strategies, which deals with developing architectures and techniques for integrating schemas and data, + Part II -- Data Warehousing: Models and Architectures, which develops new and different data warehouse architectures such as multidimensional databases with related management and querying tools, and + Part III -- Sharing Information and Knowledge, which concerns knowledge management, use of standards, information mining systems, and web information management. The well… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1402006497
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Elias Towe
Heterogeneous Optoelectronic Integration (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM89)

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: Numerous efforts are directed at investigating the use of optics at short distances, for example, at the chip-to-chip and board-to-board levels of the interconnection hierarchy. This book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in heterogeneous integration of electronics, optoelectronics, and micro-optics for short-distance optical interconnections. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0819435716
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, Q
Hetty Wesley

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch, who sometimes wrote as `Q,` was a writer with tremendous range. Some of his work is what you`d expect from someone of Oscar Wilde`s social class (though, if he had Wilde`s talent, he`d have endured a lot more thoroughly than he has) -- quaintly quietly social stories from a member of the English gentry. Some of it (more successfully, we`d say) seems to ape Robert Louis Stevenson`s adventure works, like Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Hetty Wesley is somewhere between those two poles: it`s a mystery, the tale of an Englishman who`s worked a lifetime in India -- and vanished on the voyage home. We like it, a lot. We think you will, too. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1606644203
Book size: —; Page extent: 224.


Charles Slack
Hetty: The Genius and Madness of America`s First Female Tycoon

2005 y.
Publisher: —
Description: When J. P. Morgan called a meeting of New York`s financial leaders after the stock market crash of 1907, Hetty Green was the only woman in the room. The Guinness Book of World Records memorialized her as the World`s Greatest Miser, and, indeed, this unlikely robber baron -- who parlayed a comfortable inheritance into a fortune that was worth about 1.6 billion in today`s dollars -- was frugal to a fault. But in an age when women weren`t even allowed to vote, never mind concern themselves with interest rates, she lived by her own rules. In Hetty , Charles Slack reexamines her life and legacy, giving us, at long last, a splendidly `nuanced portrait` (Newsweek) of one of the greatest -- and most eccentric -- financiers in American history. This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0060542578
Book size: —; Page extent: 288.


Thomas Morton, David W. Pentico
Heuristic Scheduling Systems : With Applications to Production Systems and Project Management (Wiley Series in Engineering and Technology Management)

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: Reflects exact and heuristic methods of scheduling techniques suitable for creating customized sequencing and scheduling systems for flexible manufacturing, project management, group and cellular manufacturing operations. Summarizes complex computationalstudies demonstrating how they work in practice. Contains new theories and techniques developed by the author. Includes a software disk to reinforce and practice the methods described. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0471578193
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Ruhul A. Sarker, Hussein A. Abbass, Charles S. Newton
Heuristic and Optimization for Knowledge Discovery

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: With the large amount of data stored by many organizations, capitalists have observed that this information is an intangible asset. Unfortunately, handling large databases is a very complex process and traditional learning techniques are expensive to use. Heuristic techniques provide much help in this arena, although little is known about heuristic techniques. Heuristic and Optimization for Knowledge Discovery addresses the foundation of this topic, as well as its practical uses, and aims to fill in the gap that exists in current literature. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1930708262
Book size: —; Page extent: 0.



Heuristics and the Law (Dahlem Workshop Reports)

2006 y.
Publisher: —
Description: In recent decades, the economists` concept of rational choice has dominated legal reasoning. And yet, in practical terms, neither the lawbreakers the law addresses nor officers of the law behave as the hyperrational beings postulated by rational choice. Critics of rational choice and believers in `fast and frugal heuristics` propose another approach: using certain formulations or general principles (heuristics) to help navigate in an environment that is not a well-ordered setting with an occasional disturbance, as described in the language of rational choice, but instead is fundamentally uncertain or characterized by an unmanageable degree of complexity. This is the intuition behind behavioral law and economics. In Heuristics and the Law , experts in law, psychology, and economics explore the conceptual and practical power of the heuristics approach in law. They discuss legal theory, modeling and predicting the problems the law purports to solve, the process of making law, in… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0262072750
Book size: —; Page extent: 480.


Ivan E. Hoyt
Hex Signs: Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Learning the Craft (Heritage Crafts Today Series)

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0811703223
Book size: —; Page extent: 128.


Martin Gardner
Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi

2008 y.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Description: `Hexaflexagons, Probability Paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi` is the inaugural volume in The New Martin Gardner Mathematical Library series. Based off of Gardener`s enormously popular Scientific American columns, his puzzles and challenges can now fascinate a whole new generation! Paradoxes and paper-folding, Moebius variations and mnemonics, fallacies, magic square, topological curiosities, parlor tricks, and games ancient and modern, from Polyminoes, Nim, Hex, and the Tower of Hanoi to four-dimensional ticktacktoe. These mathematical recreations, clearly and cleverly presented by Martin Gardner, delight and perplex while demonstrating principles of logic, probability, geometry, and other fields of mathematics. Now the author, in consultation with experts, has added updates to all the chapters, including new game variations, mathematical proofs, and other developments and discoveries. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0521735254
Book size: —; Page extent: 208.


Bill Shane
Hey Batter Batter: A Collection of Baseball Poems for Kids

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionHey Batter Batter is a collection of baseball poems for kids. Also action photos of little leaguers playing ball. Hey Batter Batter is published by Kids Sports Press, an imprint of Seven Locks Press. Hey Batter Batter is full of whimsical, fun, and sometimes pointed poems about little leaguers and their parents. Laugh or cry with Tears, Catcher, Sliding, and Around the Horn and maybe recognize someone you know with Chill out, Dad. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1931643202
Book size: —; Page extent: 84.


Bob Schildgen
Hey Mr. Green: Sierra Magazine`s Answer Guy Tackles Your Toughest Green Living Questions

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1578051436
Book size: —; Page extent: 216.


Douglas Coupland
Hey Nostradamus! : A Novel

2004 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Amazon.comConsidering some of his past subjects--slackers, dot-commers, Hollywood producers--a Columbine-like high school massacre seems like unusual territory for the usually glib Douglas Coupland. Anyone who has read Generation X or Miss Wyoming knows that dryly hip humor, not tragedy, is the Vancouver author`s strong suit. But give Coupland credit for twisting his material in strange, unexpected shapes. Coupland begins his seventh novel by transposing the Columbine incident to North Vancouver circa 1988. Narrated by one of the murdered victims, the first part of Hey Nostradamus! is affecting and emotional enough to almost make you forget you`re reading a book by the same writer who so accurately characterized a generation in his first book, yet was unable to delineate a convincing character. As Cheryl Anway tells her story, the facts of the Delbrook Senior Secondary student`s life--particularly her secret marriage to classmate Jason--provide a very human… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1582344159
Book size: —; Page extent: 244.


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