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Olga Juan, Cecilia Ainciburu, Ana Zaragoza
En 2: Curso de espanol de los negocios: Libro de ejercicios: Nivel intermedio (+ 2 CD)

2003 y.
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Description: Es un material centrado en el alumno, que sigue un modelo curricular comunicativo basado en el enfoque por tareas. Para su elaboracion, se han tenido en cuenta tanto las teorias linguisticas, tomando como referencia el `Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes`, como las teorias sobre la adquisicion de lenguas y se ha concebido atendiendo a los cuatro componentes basicos que intervienen en el proceso de ensenanza/aprendizaje: el estudiante, el profesor, el aula y el material de trabajo. El curso esta estructurado en tres niveles. Libro de ejercicios: con los CD de audiciones de todo el material, se proponen ejercicios de consolidacion de los contenidos tratados en el libro del alumno, test para que el estudiante pueda controlar su proceso de aprendizaje y desarrolle estrategias para aprender a aprender, claves y transcripciones. Tambien incluye dos apendices: uno es un glosario del vocabulario que aparece en el libro, y otro es un directorio de paginas web utiles tanto… [detailed...]

ISBN: 84-95986-25-6
Book size: 200x260; Page extent: 140.


Olga Juan, Ana Zaragoza
En 2: Curso de espanol de los negocios: Libro del profesor: Nivel intermedio (+ 2 CD)

2005 y.
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Description: Es una guia pormenorizada del `Libro del alumno`, con la siguiente estructura para cada actividad: Dinamica de aula: instrucciones sobre la secuencia establecida en las activida-des у como desarrollarla con exito en el aula. Se afiaden comentarios sobre dife-rentes aspectos socioculturales junto con propuestas para su presentacion. Esta seccion se acompana de sugerencias para integrar el Apendice gramatical. Libro de ejercicios: referencias a las actividades que pueden completar у consolidar los contenidos que aparecen a lo largo de cada unidad del Libro del alumno. Culture: comentarios sobre diferentes aspectos socioculturales que conviene trabajar con los estudiantes junto con propuestas para su presentacion. Sugerencias para dinamizar el aula: nuevas ideas para asentar los contenidos que se nan ejercitado en las actividades у al mismo tiempo guiar el aprendizaje. Test con 20 preguntas de cada unidad. Agenda del… [detailed...]

ISBN: 84-95986-68-X
Book size: 210x260; Page extent: 140.


Olga Juan, Cecilia Ainciburu, Ana Zaragoza
En 2: Curso de espanol de los negocios: Nivel intermedio: B1

2007 y.
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Description: El intermedio del curso `En` corresponde al nivel B1 del `Marco comun europeo de referencia de las lenguas` y sus contenidos coinciden con los especificados para el `Certificado Basico de la Camara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid` y el `Diploma Intermedio de Espanol de los Negocios de la Camara de Barcelona`. Es un material centrado en el alumno, que sigue un modelo curricular comunicativo basado en el enfoque por tareas. Para su elaboracion, se han tenido en cuenta tanto las teorias linguisticas, tomando como referencia el `Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes`, como las teorias sobre la adquisicion de lenguas y se ha concebido atendiendo a los cuatro componentes basicos que intervienen en el proceso de ensenanza/aprendizaje: el estudiante, el profesor, el aula y el material de trabajo. El curso esta estructurado en tres niveles. Cada uno de ellos consta de: Libro del alumno: ocho unidades con sus correspondientes tareas finales, tras las cuales… [detailed...]

ISBN: 84-95986-21-3
Book size: 200x260; Page extent: 192.


Olga Juan, Cecilia Ainciburu, Ana Zaragoza
En 3: Curso de espanol de los negocios: Libro de ejercicios: Nivel elemental: A1/A2 (+ CD)

2007 y.
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Description: El nivel 1 del curso En se corresponde a los niveles A1 y A2 del `Marco comun de referencia para las lenguas`. Es un material centrado en el alumno y que sigue un modelo curricular comunicativo basado en el enfoque por tareas. Para su elaboracion se han tenido en cuenta tanto las teorias linguisticas, tomando como referencia el `Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes`, como las teorias sobre la adquisicion de lenguas y se ha concebido atendiendo a los cuatro componentes basicos que intervienen en el proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje: el estudiante, el profesor, el aula y el material de trabajo. El curso esta estructurado en tres niveles. Libro de ejercicios: ejercicios y actividades de autoevaluacion, claves, transcripciones y audiciones en CD de todo el material, asi como un apendice con direcciones de paginas web para consultas informativas, y un glosario de los terminos que aparecen en el libro. [detailed...]

ISBN: 84-89756-71-6
Book size: 200x260; Page extent: 132.


Olga Juan, Cecilia Ainciburu, Ana Zaragoza
En 3: Curso de espanol de los negocios: Nivel avanzado B2 (+ 2 CD)

2007 y.
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Description: `En 3` corresponde al nivel B2 del Marco comun europeo de referencia de las lenguas y sus contenidos coinciden con los especificados para el `Certificado Superior de Espanol de los Negocios` de la Camara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid y el `Diploma Intermedio de Espanol` de los Negocios (DIEN) de la Camara de Comercio de Barcelona. Es un material centrado en el alumno, que sigue un modelo curricular comunicativo basado en el enfoque por tareas. Para su elaboracion, se han tenido en cuenta tanto las teorias linguisticas, tomando como referencia el `Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes`, como las teorias sobre la adquisicion de lenguas y se ha concebido atendiendo a los cuatro componentes basicos que intervienen en el proceso de ensenanza/aprendizaje: el estudiante, el profesor, el aula y el material de trabajo. El curso esta estructurado en tres niveles. Libro de ejercicios, con los dos CD de audiciones de todo el material, se proponen ejercicios… [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-84-9848-031-3
Book size: 200x260; Page extent: 184.


Olga Juan, Cecilia Ainciburu, Ana Zaragoza, Beatriz Munoz
En 3: Curso de espanol de los negocios: Nivel avanzado B2

2007 y.
Publisher: Editorial Edinumen
Description: `En 3` corresponde al nivel B2 del Marco comun europeo de referencia de las lenguas y sus contenidos coinciden con los especificados para el `Certificado Superior de Espanol de los Negocios` de la Camara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid y el `Diploma Intermedio de Espanol` de los Negocios (DIEN) de la Camara de Comercio de Barcelona. Es un material centrado en el alumno, que sigue un modelo curricular comunicativo basado en el enfoque por tareas. Para su elaboracion, se han tenido en cuenta tanto las teorias linguisticas, tomando como referencia el `Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes`, como las teorias sobre la adquisicion de lenguas y se ha concebido atendiendo a los cuatro componentes basicos que intervienen en el proceso de ensenanza/aprendizaje: el estudiante, el profesor, el aula y el material de trabajo. El curso esta estructurado en tres niveles. Libro del alumno, ocho unidades con sus correspondientes tareas finales, tras las cuales se… [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-84-9848-030-6
Book size: 220x260; Page extent: 220.


Ann Herbert Scott
En las Piernas de MamA? / On Mother`s Lap

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0618752471
Book size: —; Page extent: 14.


En salvaje compania

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 978-84-663-0205-0
Book size: —; Page extent: 261.


Eileen Christelow
En un A?rbol EstA?n los Cinco Monitos / Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0061875248
Book size: —; Page extent: 28.


Steve Bunting
EnCase Computer Forensics: The Official EnCE: EnCase Certified Examiner Study Guide (+ DVD-ROM)

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: EnCE certification tells the world that you`ve not only mastered the use of EnCase Forensic Software, but also that you have acquired the in-depth forensics knowledge and techniques you need to conduct complex computer examinations. This official study guide, written by a law enforcement professional who is an expert in EnCE and computer forensics, provides the complete instruction, advanced testing software, and solid techniques you need to prepare for the exam. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0470181451
Book size: —; Page extent: 648.


Madhu Viswanathan, S. Gajendiran, R. Venkatesan
Enabling Consumer and Entrepreneurial Literacy in Subsistence Marketplaces (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects)

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This book describes research on low-literate, poor buyers and sellers in subsistence marketplaces, the consequent development of an innovative marketplace literacy educational program that enables consumer and entrepreneurial literacy, and implications of the research and the educational program for business, education, and a variety of disciplines and functions. There are two important resources that individuals living in subsistence need to function in the economic realm: finances and know-how. The book describes an educational program that focuses on enabling generic skills about the marketplace. This program uses the “know-why” or an understanding of marketplaces as a basis for the know-how of being an informed buyer or seller. This volume discusses implications of the research and the educational program for non-profit organizations, for research and practice in education, for business research and practice, and for academic and applied research. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1402057687
Book size: —; Page extent: 224.



Enabling Context-Aware Web Services: Methods, Architectures, and Technologies

2010 y.
Publisher: —
Description: A groundbreaking work, this collection provides both practical and pioneering information on the latest advances in Context-Aware Web Services, ie. mobile Internet applications that can read geographical locations and adjust output accordingly. Beginning with an historical overview, this unique guide offers a comprehensive and systematic treatment of methodologies, along with various ways to model services to specifications. It discusses architectures including infrastructures, frameworks and standards, technologies such as semantic Web, database usage, and artificial intelligence. It provides useful case studies, and includes relevant datasets, and replicable evaluation testbeds. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1439809852
Book size: —; Page extent: 526.


Ann Poyner
Enabling End-Users: Information Skills Training

2005 y.
Publisher: Chandos Publishing (Oxford) Ltd.
Description: This introductory book suggests solutions to some of the problems library and information professionals face as they prepare to offer end-user education or training through personal tuition. Valuable advice is offered about how to take stock of existing library and information services in relation to their place and value within organizations, and issues about who profits from end-user education and training, what they might need, and how these needs can be delivered are addressed. Формат издания: 15,5 см х 23,5 см. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1 84334 108 5
Book size: —; Page extent: 160.


Georg Von Krogh, Kazuo Ichijo, Ikujiro Nonaka
Enabling Knowledge Creation: How to Unlock the Mystery of Tacit Knowledge and Release the Power of Innovation

2000 y.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Description: When The Knowledge-Creating Company (OUP, nearly 40,000 copies sold) appeared, it was hailed as a landmark work in the field of knowledge management. Now, Enabling Knowledge Creation ventures even further into this all-important territory, showing how firms can generate and nurture ideas by using the concepts introduced in the first book. Weaving together lessons from such international leaders as Siemens, Unilever, Skandia, and Sony, along with their own first-hand consulting experiences, the authors introduce knowledge enabling--the overall set of organizational activities that promote knowledge creation--and demonstrate its power to transform an organization`s knowledge into value-creating actions. They describe the five key `knowledge enablers` and outline what it takes to instill a knowledge vision, manage conversations, mobilize knowledge activists, create the right context for knowledge creation, and globalize local knowledge. The authors stress that knowledge creation… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0195126165
Book size: —; Page extent: 304.



Enabling Solutions for Sustainable Living: A Workshop

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1552382362
Book size: —; Page extent: 100.


Andrew Greasley
Enabling a Simulation Capability in the Organisation (Decision Engineering)

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Enabling Simulation Capability in Organisations addresses the application of simulation modelling techniques in order to enable better informed decisions in business and industrial organisations. The book’s unique approach treats simulation not just as a technical tool, but within as a support for organisational decision making, showing the results from a survey of current and potential users of simulation to suggest reasons why the technique is not used as much as it should be and what are the barriers to its further use. By incorporating an evaluation of six detailed case studies of the application of simulation in industry by the author, the book will teach readers: (1) the role of simulation in decision making, (2) how to introduce simulation as a tool for decision making, and (3) how to undertake simulation studies that lead to change in the organisation. Enabling Simulation Capability in Organisations provides an introduction to the state of the art in simulation modelling… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1848001681
Book size: —; Page extent: 152.


Julie McCarthy
Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based Techniques

2005 y.
Publisher: Earthscan
Description: Julie McCarthy is a theatre and development practitioner and researcher based at the University of Manchester, UK. Karla Galvao is a development researcher and coordinator of Programa PAPAI in Brazil. Robert Chambers is a research associate of the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, England. He is one of the world`s most influential proponents of participatory development. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1844071111
Book size: —; Page extent: 176.


Pam East
Enameling on Metal Clay

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0871162458
Book size: —; Page extent: 96.



Enbrel - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: `The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading.` Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0597844097
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Edited by Sara J. Risch, Gary A. Reineccius
Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Food Ingredients

1995 y.
Publisher: An American Chemical Society Publication
Description: Reviews the major methods used to encapsulate food ingredients, including spray drying, spray chilling and cooling, fluidized bed coating, liposome entrapment, rotational suspension separation, extrusion and inclusion complexation. Provides information on the types of carriers used for encapsulation and controlled release. Presents recent research on practical applications of encapsulation and on how encapsulates perform in food products. Reviews patents in the field of encapsulation and controlled release. Provides current and detailed information on emerging methods, including liposomes and coacervation. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0841231648
Book size: —; Page extent: 226.


Kathy Rooney
Encarta Concise Dictionary

2001 y.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Description: The English language is growing, accelerated by the Internet, e-commerce and global business. It is used by one in five of the world`s population, is being learnt by 1 billion people and is the language of 85 per cent of Internet home pages. Throughout the world, business people, tourists, students, teachers and first-time buyers of computers are confronted every day with new words and terms. The need for a manual to this dynamic language has never been greater. `The Encarta(registered) Concise Dictionary`, compiled from the same database as the `Encarta(registered) World English Dictionary`, is the result of an in-depth survey of professors, teachers, students and parents into the requirements and expectations of all English speakers in the 21st century. Consequently readers will find international coverage of global English, enhanced with innovative features such as: Quick Facts - short digests of key concepts in the arts and science, Literary Links - notes on major works of… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0747548099
Book size: —; Page extent: 1728.


Kathy Rooney
Encarta Concise Student Dictionary

2003 y.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Description: English, and the way we use it to communicate, is changing faster now than at any time in our history. The growth of the Internet, e-mail, and text messaging means that the boundaries between the written and spoken language are becoming ever more blurred. The explosion of vocabulary in areas like science, technology, e-commerce, and the media confronts us with new specialist terms every day. The need for guidance on using the language correctly, and keeping up with its changes, has never been greater. The `Encarta Student Dictionary` is the result of a detailed survey of professors, teachers, and students of English and the most common language problems they encounter. Innovative features designed to improve language skills and awareness include: - Spelling: 1,000 common misspellings, cross-referred to their correct form - Spellchecks: warnings about commonly confused spellings ignored by spellcheckers - Usage Notes: answers to the most frequent student queries on spelling and grammar… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0747562350
Book size: —; Page extent: 1708.



Encarta Thesaurus

2001 y.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Description: Following the international success of the `Encarta World English Dictionary`, Bloomsbury has now produced its natural partner, the `Encarta Thesaurus`. The `Encarta Thesaurus` has been compiled by an experienced international team of editors, working in a range of English-speaking countries around the globe. Many were also involved in the compilation of the `Encarta World English Dictionary`. The inclusion of both North American and British material reflects the ever-growing importance of English as a medium for international communication. Furthermore it covers business, computing and the Internet. The `Encarta Thesaurus` offers an innovative dual navigation system through the network of our dynamic global language. Firstly, an alphabetical list of 40000 entries provides quick-reference lists of synonyms, doubling as an index to the conceptual lists. Secondly, entries are listed by 1200 themes, arranged under five main headings, including `People and Their Way of Life` and `The… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0-7475-3905-7
Book size: —; Page extent: 1216.



Encephalitis - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referenc

— y.
Publisher: —
Description: In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: `The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading.` Furthermore, because of the rapid increase in Internet-based information, many hours can be wasted searching, selecting, and printing.This book was created for medical professionals, students, and members of the general public who want to conduct medical research using the most advanced tools available and spending the least amount of time doing so. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0597842078
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Encephalitis: Assessment and Rehabilitation Across the Lifespan: A special issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (Special Issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation)

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 1841698369
Book size: —; Page extent: 240.



Enchanted Castle HB

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 9780746070727
Book size: —; Page extent: —.


Fiona Barnett
Enchanted Circles : Flower Garlands, Swags and Wreaths

2003 y.
Publisher: —
Description: Book DescriptionA beautiful and practical step-by-step guide to creating over 100 stunning wreaths and garlands with fresh and dried flowers. [detailed...]

ISBN: 1842158090
Book size: —; Page extent: 264.


Robyn Johnson
Enchanted Dolls` Wedding

2007 y.
Publisher: —
Description: - [detailed...]

ISBN: 0159354197
Book size: —; Page extent: 32.


Geoffrey Block
Enchanted Evenings: The Broadway Musical from Show Boat to Sondheim

2004 y.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Description: The classic musicals of Broadway can provide us with truly enchanted evenings. But while many of us can hum the music and even recount the plot from memory, we are often much less knowledgeable about how these great shows were put together. Now, in Enchanted Evenings, Geoffrey Block offers theatre lovers an illuminating behind-the-scenes tour of some of the best loved, most admired, and most enduring musicals of Broadway`s Golden Era. In this documentary history, we find insightful studies of fourteen musicals in all including such all-time favorites as Show Boat, Anything Goes, Porgy and Bess, Kiss Me, Kate, Guys and Dolls, My Fair Lady, and West Side Story. The book`s particular focus is on the music, showing how librettist, lyricist, composer, and director work together to shape the piece. Block sheds light on why particular musicals have adapted to changing times and are still performed in high schools, colleges, and community theaters across the country, while others languish… [detailed...]

ISBN: 0195167309
Book size: —; Page extent: 432.


Dianne Sachko Macleod
Enchanted Lives, Enchanted Objects: American Women Collectors and the Making of Culture, 1800-1940

2008 y.
Publisher: —
Description: This insightful and beautifully illustrated book offers the first feminist analysis of the phenomenon of women art collectors in America. Dianne Sachko Macleod brings a surprising paradox to light, showing that collecting, which provided wealthy women with a private sense of solace, also liberated them to venture into the public sphere and make a lasting contribution to the emerging American culture. Beginning in the antebellum period, continuing through the Gilded Age, and reaching well into the twentieth century, Macleod shows how elite women enlisted the objets d`art and avant-garde paintings in their collections in causes ranging from the founding of modern museums to the campaign for women`s suffrage. [detailed...]

ISBN: 0520237293
Book size: —; Page extent: 328.


Osha Gray Davidson
Enchanted by Prairie (Bur Oak Book)

2009 y.
Publisher: —
Description: June grass at sunset, Indian grass at sunrise, hawk moths and monarch butterflies nectaring on purple fringed orchids and rough blazing star, little bluestem and saw-tooth sunflowers and butterfly milkweed in hill prairies and sand prairies, and blue skies and one bright rainbow arching over them all. Bill Witt has been photographing Iowa’s wild places for more than thirty years, and the result is this collection of splendid images that reveal the glorious beauty and diversity of the state’s prairie remnants. Witt gives us close-ups of pasque flower shoots covered with ice in spring, coneflowers dancing in a summer breeze, and prairie dropseed in its autumn colors as well as such prairie companions as sandhill cranes, northern harriers, and bison. His panoramic visions of prairie landscapes in all seasons focus on the personal pleasure and spiritual sustenance that connecting with prairies, even small and neglected ones, can bring us. Osha Davidson’s essay compares today’s prairie… [detailed...]

ISBN: 1587298031
Book size: —; Page extent: 100.


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